Veltheimia bracteata 'Lemon Flame'

Ken via pbs
Mon, 21 Feb 2022 09:47:02 PST
 Thanks, Bob ... GREAT INFO!  I've kept mine hydrated under a humidity dome, in shade ... but we had an unusually warm February, with a week of daytime highs approaching 90F ... and I noticed most of the cut leaves just yellowed and collapsed.  I may make a repeat try, although I suspect fresh new Fall leaves are likely to offer the best chance.  - Ken
    On Monday, February 21, 2022, Robert Lauf wrote: 
  I'm currently trying leaf props on some other genera.  I agree that you want to cut away a lot of the paper-thin part of the leaf because it will either dry up or rot anyway and a point on the bottom makes it easier to stick into the medium.
With Eucomis my best results used Dip n Grow solution at 1:10 dilution, but Clonex gel has also worked.  In my latest experiments with other plants I'll try side-by-side comparisons of both Clonex and Dip n Grow, and will also test different media.  I currently use mostly promix but have also used pure perlite.  I'm going to try more exotic things like hydrogel beads, but I suspect that might be too wet.  I'll report any positive results I get.
In general, two considerations are worth attention, and both arise because that cutting is fighting to stay hydrated.  First, use the best leaf you can, and make sure it is well-hydrated before harvesting.  Second, try to keep it in a humid environment and/or mist in the morning, and keep it in a shady, protected spot.  Mine stay in the shadiest part of the greenhouse and are misted frequently.  Even in the best case, results can be spotty and frustrating.  Just keep at it...
Bob   Zone 7  
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