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Topics - Too Many Plants!

Current Photographs / February 2025
February 02, 2025, 11:25:10 AM
I know this one is near and dear to @Carlos 's heart. Bought as Urginea Maritima, but Carlos says is not Maritima. And the genus has been moved.

In any event, thought I would share this BEAST of a bulb. Today from the original bulb planted as a single head 5 gal a few years ago, has become a four headed 5' X 4' X 3' tall monster of a bulb!

Urginea Maritima  (Carlos can correct this for me...).
Mystery Bulbs / Daubenya Alba ???
December 29, 2024, 01:10:29 PM
Any help...would be appreciated! This is from a recent '23 BX, and we planted Dec 2023.

Daubenya Alba

First emerging leaves since planting, and to me they don't look correct. I searched the web, and found no corresponding pics.

Any thoughts, opinions, experience on these guys???

Thanks and Happy New Year 🎇🥳🎆
General Discussion / Trachyandra Tortilis help ???
December 01, 2024, 07:08:17 PM
Hi, can anyone lend some experienced/knowledgeable help on this genus/species. I'm very interested in trying this in my So Cal inland 9B summer hot sunny, winter cold nights Mediterranean Garden! Seems there is nothing on the PBS sight, but some stuff on the Web makes it sound like it needs indoor-like "houseplant" conditions. I read it's from the Western Cape, and I grow many plants from that area, and that information sounds suspect to me...

Any experience and/or knowledgeable help is appreciated!
Thank you
Mystery Bulbs / Ledebouria Agavoides help/???
October 27, 2024, 03:00:55 PM
We're interested in a bulb-  Ledebouria Agavoides, but can't seem to find anything on it. Description as follows:  L. Agavoides, an extraordinary and very robust species with bold foliage and a large solitary bulb (no offsets). This name is an as yet unpublished if compelling name for this plant. Formerly sold as L. confusa, a related species. Bulb grows to 4" in diameter and is naturally caudiciform, happily growing mostly exposed. The glaucous leaves are broad and firm. Flowers are an odd yellowish color. Leafless in its winter dormancy when it should be kept dry and can endure light frost undercover. Keep pot-bound and grow in well-drained sandy soil in bright light.

I can't find anything on L. Agavoides, or L. Confusa on PBS. And basically nothing on the web for L. Agavoides.

Any thoughts or help would be appreciated.
@Robin Jangle 

Mystery Bulbs / Hitchhiker mystery bulb…
September 16, 2024, 03:48:39 PM
These were hitchhikers with plants I bought and dug from an old timer collectors garden.

I'm guessing Allium...

Anyone take a stab at ID?
Current Photographs / September 2024
September 06, 2024, 11:23:14 AM
Brunsvigia (Josephinae ?) update

I'm bringing this over to September as we are 6 days in...

Well, I'm bummed to say...we are having a major heat wave in So Cal, and yesterday we hit a high of 112F with 15% humidity. Today is slated to be even hotter🔥! And several days of heat in the 100's still to go 🫨. I'm reluctant to water this Brunsvigia much at all, I believe this should be it's summer dry season? I fear this weather is going to take its toll on my first ever flowering of this Brunsvigia 🤬

@Robin Jangle
I've had this growing in my garden for years now, FINALLY flowering! And years later I can't find a tag 😒

Ok. I've been looking around through my purchase history with no luck, but seem to remember buying a couple of Brunsvigia. I started looking through Brunsvigia and found B. Josephinae which has blue strap leaves, and the flowers look like they could be lining up in terms of form.

Anyone have any thoughts?
Current Photographs / August 2024
August 06, 2024, 09:26:06 AM
Well, I definitely need to get better at marking, and/or tags that don't break or go my garden!

Lachenalia? sp...????   (Found purchase history) - Ledebouria revoluta (Tanzania).

Just spied this little guy this morning (not sure how I missed it thus far) that's been doing his thing in full sun in the 100°F+'s we've been having! Yesterday's high was 107° GO little bulb!

I LOVE those spotted leaves.
Current Photographs / May 2024
May 05, 2024, 02:59:56 PM
Well... I was trying to wait for someone else to start May, but no luck.

Here's- I believe I bought these as Albuca Namaquanensis.

I'll add flowering pics in the coming days.

I already posted ixia Paniculata, but wanted to share its great staying power (as species Ixia go), and full flower display. It's not the flashiest Ixia, but I really enjoy them.
Mystery Bulbs / Moraea Iridioides?
April 11, 2024, 10:56:20 AM
I ordered seed of what was named Moraea Iridioides, and what was pictured (attached) that appears to be M. Villosa. Wondering if anyone can speak to this name, origin, etc., or is it a complete farce. I'm including a picture of the seed in case anyone wants to speak to what the seed might appear to be, the seed group is a touch bigger than a quarter. I did find on the web a few people posting Dietes Iridioides as Moraea Iridioides, so I hope I didn't waste time and $ bothering with that...

Current Photographs / April 2024
April 02, 2024, 02:03:48 PM
I believe this is my first flowering for these Albuca Namaquensis.

I was Generously gifted some mystery bulbs from a long time aficionados garden. Many of them have been leafing out for a bit now, and the first flowers are appearing. Some I feel I can speculate on the genus based on the foliage, but far more I have no clue about.
Here are some flowers I do not recognize...
Appreciate any help!

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Mystery Bulbs / Cabo Mx bulb ID ?
March 07, 2024, 09:22:33 AM
Saw these at our Zoetry resort property grounds. They appear to be some sort of bulb (imho), Crinum looking-ish plants. There were two different looking versions. One all green, a bit more robust, with nicer flowers. The other which there were more of have some green but are more purple-ish with fading from strong purple to weak and muddy color, and the flowers not as nice as the green specimens. Flowers were sweetly scented!
Any thoughts, solid ID's, or guesses?

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Saw this at the Zoetry in Cabo Mx this past weekend...any thoughts, solid ID's, or guesses?

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Mystery Bulbs / New (previous Rodophiala) ID mystery…
December 31, 2023, 04:49:09 PM
So it appears I posted the wrong flower pic for the plant I'm trying to ID. I discovered my mistake when looking up Rodophiala, seeing that the seeds do not match at all! I looked for pics of the flowers, but have not yet found them. In any event, here I'll post pics of current fresh germinating seed and current foliage.
TIA for any help ID'ing the genus.
And...Happy New Year !

Mystery Bulbs / Babiana ID help
December 29, 2023, 09:25:14 PM
Any Babiana Wizards out there???
I thought I was told this was B. Angustifolia when I acquired it. Then I wondered, and for a time thought it was Inclinata. But now I'm just not sure...

Any help...?

Mystery Bulbs / [Solved: Rodophiala] ID Help…
December 29, 2023, 06:20:05 PM
ID Help please...
Tried to find where I bought this to identify. Couldn't come up with anything.
TIA for any help!
And...Happy New Year!

PBS Members Affairs / Help...
May 24, 2023, 10:11:14 AM
Hi, new member here. I don't know how or where to use, get involved, view, which platforms, post, or how to know when bulbs/seed will be offered!?! I have freshly collected seed of a few species from my garden that I was hoping to share too. One of the main reasons I joined was to have opportunities to acquire new genera/species, and I have no idea how that works either. If there was a tutorial somewhere on how to use the key aspects of your membership, that would be great. HELP...67045711624--A264379E-601C-494A-96A6-DAC4BC15CD8A.jpg 62879243491--8A1A9293-20BE-4EC3-9A43-312D801B1DD7.jpg IMG-6299.jpg IMG-0949.jpg