I think this will be an amazing book!
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Show posts MenuQuote from: Arnold on March 10, 2024, 12:56:25 PMEmil
Clivia nobilis has a small notch at the leaf tip.
Quote from: Mike Lowitz on November 14, 2022, 01:49:57 PMI Have some friends that had a landscape designer add haemanthus to their shade garden..,planted deep and amongst Azaelea and camellia they were not blooming and frankly in decline. I shared with them we could easily correct, these are great bulbs for So.Cal. In removing them to redo the beds I found they are very prolific. I was following roots for several feet with many offsets along the way. We found the original invoice, they had 3 beds with 7 bulbs per bed. I removed 65 bulbs. Replanting now Iin 3 seperate areas around the house.
Planting the bulbs properly and in slightly raised fast draining mix has made all the difference. See below.
Quote from: petershaw on April 05, 2023, 07:06:25 AMAs I was thinking about the post about invasive bulbs, this one was top on my mind... Is there anywhere someone would want to grow this plant because it's hard to grow there? Or because it's rare there?I have seen it offered for sale in a catalog!
Quote from: petershaw on April 05, 2023, 07:04:38 AMWe're going to the UC Berkeley Botanic Garden soon along with a visit to Ruth Bancroft's garden in Walnut Creek. I first saw Ferraria there and want to see how it might be spreading.I put a 4" pot of Ferraria into my dry garden in Oakland two years ago. The clump is now over a foot wide with a few bulbs coming up further out. Only one of the center, oldest bulbs flowered. Definitely something to keep an eye on and control spread.
Quote from: David Pilling on April 06, 2023, 01:59:09 PMOxalis pes-capraeis interesting for exhibiting heterostyly with three morphs, in other words there are three self non-pollinating versions of flowers. A bit like primroses have two (pin and thrum).
I've never knowingly seen this plant here in the North of England. I would like to have photos of the three morphs for the wiki - but maybe they are not that clear.