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Messages - Mike Lowitz

I have had pieces of this particular Fuchsia Boliviana for over a decade....gets weedy if not trimmed up each Spring.

A hummingbird magnet and some of the most elegant hanging flowers Ive grown.

Leptotes Bicolor is a great easy to grow small orchid

Unknown Epi. Cactus....Got this at one of the sales by the Epi society locally many years ago.

Echinopsis Salmon Queen one of my favorites....( just not very salmon colored)

what non bulbs are blooming for you right now?

Mystery Bulbs / Re: Hesperantha baurii
June 02, 2022, 08:28:06 PM
Hey Fermi,

thanks for sharing that idea? I can say that the flower that is up front came from one of those flower spikes. Its hard to tell in the  angle of the photo but that flower is attached to a similar spike..... I do have ixia that I had never bloomed prior to this season, maybe they did get mixed up somehow? ( me).

Just looking at the wiki, and I think you have figured out the mystery here, thanks very much. 
Mystery Bulbs / Re: Hesperantha baurii
June 02, 2022, 07:19:16 PM

That makes total sense to do, and logical. No I didn't it sure is a beautiful flower too.  :)

Mystery Bulbs / Re: Hesperantha baurii
May 31, 2022, 08:49:58 AM
Hey Martin,

sorry I just saw this. I am not sure about the name other then  that's what the tag said frim the bulbs  in one of the BX exchanges a couple years ago  :)

It certainly is not what you have pictured in your post.  Thanks for letting me know, I do wonder what it is as I really liked the flower?

Mystery Bulbs / Unknown Ixia
April 24, 2022, 08:20:59 PM
Received in a BX from last year,  unknown Ixia ( most likely)

 Hope all have had a great weekend.[attach id=678] Unkown Ixia