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Messages - Rdevries

Current Photographs / Re: January 2024
January 26, 2024, 12:59:02 PM
Lachenalia trichophylla blooming now. From 2 seed packets i have 3 different leaf forms.
 fine hairs, pustulate and an Intermediate 

Current Photographs / Re: January 2024
January 26, 2024, 12:47:11 PM
This group is shorter than the previous post.

These came as Narcissus cantabricus foliosus. Again i make no claims on id accuracy 
Current Photographs / Re: January 2024
January 26, 2024, 12:44:12 PM
Received as Narcissus romieuxii. I make no claims on id correctness

In outside covered frame. One day after a 3 day gully washer and warm humid air above 60°F, preceded by a week completely below freezing with lows down to +4°F . I put a frost blanket single layer in the frame ad closed the plastic lid when it got below 15°F
Current Photographs / Re: December 2023 photos
December 03, 2023, 10:20:19 AM
Sinningia cardinalis x S. bullata. Blooming for first time with orange flowers from the Bullata side (S. bullata on left in first snap). The second growth of leaves may also have some bullated characteristics of the bullata parent (hope).

I put a few sibs of this sinningia cross in the last US BX before any had bloomed. I wonder if anyone had similar of different results 
Current Photographs / Re: December 2023 photos
December 03, 2023, 05:10:23 AM
Strumaria prolifera with heads full of seeds, yesterday.
Current Photographs / Re: Daubenya stylosa
November 28, 2023, 10:24:07 AM
I have a few blooming here too, inside under lights
Current Photographs / Thanksgiving blooms
November 23, 2023, 08:54:36 AM
Here are a few bulbs blooming for US Thanksgiving day
Strumaria prolifera ex hort.
Scilla lingulata ciliolata (Jane's clone)
Crocus ochroleucus
Daubenya stylosa ex hort
Paramongia weberbaurei

General Discussion / Re: SX seed results
November 05, 2023, 07:33:54 AM
Quote from: CG100 on November 05, 2023, 06:20:11 AM
Quote from: Rdevries on November 05, 2023, 05:46:31 AMLachenelia pygmaea SX4, this form does not seem to want to grow flat to the ground regardless of amount of sun

L. pygmaea does not grow in habitat with prostrate leaves - they are naturally held erect, or close to.

If you search online, you will find that RSA receives around the maximum of insolation as anywhere on earth, so trying to get even close would cost an awful lot in artificial lighting.
The white form grows flat
General Discussion / Re: SX seed results
November 05, 2023, 05:46:31 AM
Lachenelia pygmaea SX4, this form does not seem to want to grow flat to the ground regardless of amount of sun. The white pygmaea on right has been in same sunny conditions in same plunge next to the purple since the end of summer.
General Discussion / Re: SX seed results
November 05, 2023, 05:39:23 AM
A Few flowers open now
General Discussion / Re: SX seed results
November 04, 2023, 03:56:36 PM
The Sinningia hirsuta ( see above) is finally beginning to bloom
General Discussion / Re: SX seed results
October 24, 2023, 01:45:23 PM
Pumice and some sand and some southern red clay. I use this for all the large scilla
General Discussion / Re: SX seed results
October 24, 2023, 10:28:30 AM
Thank you for your reply Uli.  I have been growing these since 2015, one has bloomed for the past 2 or 3 years. In that same time i have also grown Scilla mad from seed in the same mix and the mad scillas are at least 5x larger than the branched scilla. So perhaps the branched Scilla need many more years to grow larger
General Discussion / Re: SX seed results
October 23, 2023, 08:06:25 AM
Scilla latifolia from Uli in SX 3 in November 2015 is finally sending up multiple spikes. This is like a smaller form of the mad scilla but with branched spikes. 
General Discussion / Lapeirousia repotting
October 16, 2023, 09:01:13 AM
I have grown Lapeirousia orogena from seed for over 10 years in small plastic 2" seedling pots. The mix is 3/16" pumice with fines and a pinch of local southern red clay.  I was thinking of combining the small pots into a larger pot to make a better display. My question: should i stick with plastic or use terra cotta pots?

Does anyone grow Lapeirousia orogena
in masse with luck keeping them happy?  How do you grow them?