Ipheion including 'Rolf Fiedler'

Lauw de Jager dejager@bulbargence.com
Mon, 27 Jan 2003 11:20:20 PST
"James Waddick (by way of Mary Sue Ittner <msittner@mcn.org> )" a ecrit :
Pale blue is likely 'Wisley' or 'Wisley Blue'

> (not sure which is correct cv name). Typical unflorum is very(!) pale blue.
> If you notice it's blue, it's probably Wisley.

  I understand is practically a weed for Lee Poulsen. Wish it was
more aggressive here -  my kind of weed

Dear All,
Here 'Wisley Blue'   has a slight shade of purple in it.
'Rolf Fiedler    is truly  blue, especially   at the moment when it opens .
Rolf fiedler is  effectively becoming a weed in our nursery here.
Lauw de Jager
BULB'ARGENCE, 30300 Fourques, France
Site: http://www.bulbargence.com/

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