
Alani Davis
Sun, 24 Jun 2007 07:23:14 PDT
C.procerum, pedunculatum, and asiaticum are a taxonomic mess.The are many
cultivated forms with associated names that may or may not reflect their
origins. Also, the different forms are somewhat plastic and perform and
respond differently in different environmental situations whether natural or
artificial. It is often difficult to know whether one has the real deal or
not do to hybrids and misidentities. Based on my experience, I would say
that though variable, C. asiaticum splits and produces offsets, but the
number of offsets can vary from many to none depending on plant and the
location. Richer moister conditions generally produces the conditions for
peak offsets but of course overall peak growth. C.procerum produces few to
many offsets but seems to split less often, but his may be related to the
maturity of my plants, and C. pedunculatum only splits for me. Also the
pistol of the pedunculatum is half the length of the stamens, while on the
C. procerum plants and the C. asiaticum plants the filaments are all the
same length. Also, all three of these forms will reproduce asexually at all
until they reach a certain level of maturity. I agree these forms really
need to be seriously looked at and especially in their native range. I would
caution against relying on any vegetative characteristics to separate
various forms because there is much variation expressed base on the
temperatures, humidity, soil conditions, etc... I have separate individuals
from the same clone mature and blooming and , but one only a meter round
with offsetting, while the other individual was 2.5 meters tall by 3+ meters
and splitting into three large trunks simultaneously.

Alani Davis

Panhandle Florida

On 6/24/07, Alberto Grossi <> wrote:
> Hi all, I have a question, maybe banal.
> How does multiply asiaticum (beside seeds, of course)?  Does it split the
> columnar bulb or by offsets? I thought to have a C. asiaticum, but now I am
> not so sure!
> What are the differences between procerum pedunculatum asiaticum?
> Thank you very much
> Alberto
> Italy
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