The Bulb Garden is on its way!

Jennifer Hildebrand
Wed, 27 Jan 2010 06:18:10 PST
To all members of PBS,
The next issue of The Bulb Garden went into the mail yesterday, and should be in your hands soon.  We hope you enjoy reading about the Scilla naming fluxuations, four-season gardening, Jim Shields' fertilizing scheme, and the regular columns from Robin and Marguerite.  If your copy does not reach you in a reasonable time, please contact our treasurer and newsletter-mailer, Arnold Trachtenberg, at
If you are subscribed to the listserv but are not a member of PBS, consider joining.  Membership is $20 domestic, $25 international, for one year.  You can find a membership form and directions for payment online at (click on "membership").  In addition to the newsletter, the benefits of membership include a biannual membership directory and participation in the BX.
Whether or not you are a member, please consider contributing an article to The Bulb Garden!  Our readers enjoy learning from experts, but they also like to read about the gardening pleasures and frustrations that we all share, whether or not we are experts.  If you have an article to contribute, or have an idea for an interesting article, please contact Jane Merryman:
Happy gardening!
Jennifer Hildebrand
co-editor, The Bulb Garden


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