Inquiry about Haemanthus

Ina Crossley
Thu, 28 Aug 2014 14:13:26 PDT
I had a big clump of H. coccineus in the garden which I dug up to 
transplant.  The clump broke into about 4 pieces.  I just planted them 
where I wanted to and was worried I might lose them.

In fact they never looked back, just took off and throve.

When I mentioned that on Facebook, James Shields commented that any he 
transplanted when dormant, died, that they like being transplanted in 
full growth.

Ina Crossley

On 29/08/2014 8:32 a.m., Peter Taggart wrote:
> I agree, divide as they start growth, whatever species, though I have
> limited experiance of the rarer ones. H coccineus is just starting growth
> now, roots and flowers, not leaves yet, for me in the northern hemisphere.
> Peter (UK)

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