Albuca spiralis

Hansen Nursery
Fri, 29 Dec 2017 08:20:38 PST
Thanks to Uli for the photo of his Albuca!  Mine, rescued from a rotted bulb
is gradually opening, just not as far along as Uli's, but it already is
exhibiting some fragrance.  He's right that some fragrant flowers can be way
too much if you have very many!  All of the comments have been wonderful,
detailed and specific to the point that  I feel better about continuing to
try growing this genus.  

I don't know why, but I'm always shocked when I fail so miserably at growing
something like Albuca, given that I grown a lot of other bulbs with few
problems....  Ah, humility is a wonderful gift if we just accept it and go

Hansen Nursery

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