Gladiolus identity question

Sun, 16 Sep 2018 06:44:23 PDT
Hi List,

I have a plant in flower which was sold to me as Gladiolus elliotii but 
now I'm unsure if that is the accepted G. elliotii Baker or rather 
Gladiolus sericeovillosus subspecies calvatus which is the accepted name 
for what has been described as G. elliotii Lewis  - I'd love to add it 
to the wiki, both are not present yet, but I want to be sure what I 
have. I'm quite sure it is not G. sericeovillosus subsp. 
sericeovillosus, which would be hairy . All I can argument on are the 
descriptions at Flora Zambesiaca:……

I've attached Images - to me, that's cream with maroon dots, so it seems 
G. s. subsp. calvatus to me. Is there any expert on those around?

Southern Germany
Likely zone 7a

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