Weldenia candida propagation

Wychwood Gardens & Nursery via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Tue, 14 Dec 2021 15:07:45 PST
I’ve read in a few places this can be propagated via root cuttings, but am unsure of how. Has anyone had success doing so? The obvious method of propagation is crown division, which works nicely, but only yields so many. I’m wondering whether this is one of those occasions where by “root cuttings” actually what is meant is “crown division with bud”, rather than a length of root inserted horizontally as per Rudbeckias, Centaureas etc.


Sent from my iPhone

> On 14 Dec 2021, at 11:00 pm, pbs-request@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net wrote:
> Send pbs mailing list submissions to
>    pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>    http://lists.pacificbulbsociety.net/cgi-bin/…
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>    pbs-request@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
> You can reach the person managing the list at
>    pbs-owner@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of pbs digest..."
> List-Post:<mailto:pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
> List-Archive:<http://www.pacificbulbsociety.org/list.php
> Today's Topics:
>   1. Re: Lachenalia viridi (James Shao)
>   2. BX payments and membership renewal (Arnold Trachtenberg)
>   3. Lachenalia viridiflora vs. L. vanzyliae (Mary Sue Ittner)
>   4. Thank You (Mary Sue Ittner)
>   5. Re: Thank You (Marc Rosenblum)
>   6. APHIS seed import license/ permit info (Mike Rummerfield)
>   7. Re: Thank You (Mike Rummerfield)
>   8. Re: APHIS seed import license/ permit info (R Hansen)
>   9. Re: MORE APHIS seed import license/ permit info (Laura & Dave)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2021 07:18:53 -0800
> From: James Shao <jamesmsss55@gmail.com>
> To: Pacific Bulb Society <pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net>
> Subject: Re: [pbs] Lachenalia viridi
> Message-ID:
>    <CAOWFk+NVheQqSPeYAnuS+VbaMJYfd72JZGNnTJL_y6Nz=i0aZQ@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> Are the position of the flowers fairly consistent within the species for
> vanzyliae and viridiflora?  The photos of viridiflora I see have the
> flowers held out or horizontally while vanzyliae point downwards.
> James
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2021 15:30:51 +0000 (UTC)
> From: Arnold Trachtenberg <arnold140@verizon.net>
> To: "pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net"
>    <pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net>
> Subject: [pbs] BX payments and membership renewal
> Message-ID: <985626211.823404.1639409451663@mail.yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> As we near the end of the year it's a good time to get everyone's account up to date.
> I know that some have not received BX shipments, especially the overseas members.
> If you are not sure if you have a balance you can write me at Arnold140@version.net.
> You can pay here for your outstanding BX's
> https://www.pacificbulbsociety.org/bx.html
> Also December is a good time to renew you membership.
> It will reduce the need for post card reminders and you will not miss out on any BX/SX offerings.
> See here for renewal link:
> https://www.pacificbulbsociety.org/membership.html
> The final Bulb Garden of 2021 is in the printing phase and will have your membership expiration date on the address label.
> The Gladiolus Field Guide? book is in transit from South Africa and I will up date the list as the arrive here.
> Happy Holiday to all and safe time to all.
> Arnold
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2021 08:00:49 -0800
> From: Mary Sue Ittner <msittner@mcn.org>
> To: pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
> Subject: [pbs] Lachenalia viridiflora vs. L. vanzyliae
> Message-ID: <1f85b324-bc47-0e81-67ea-52b857e45689@mcn.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
> If you look at Graham Duncan's key in his Lachenalia book it states:
> Perianth suberect - that leads to L. orchiodes and L. viridiflora
> Perianth pendulous, cernuous or widely spreading
> that leads to L. vanzyliae
>> On 12/13/2021 7:18 AM, James Shao via pbs wrote:
>> Are the position of the flowers fairly consistent within the species for
>> vanzyliae and viridiflora?  The photos of viridiflora I see have the
>> flowers held out or horizontally while vanzyliae point downwards.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2021 08:19:15 -0800
> From: Mary Sue Ittner <msittner@mcn.org>
> To: "pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net"
>    <pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net>
> Subject: [pbs] Thank You
> Message-ID: <34c8cb4e-3282-4a9d-083d-bf54a3ff7937@mcn.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
> I was away during the time people were thanking Luminita, but Arnold's 
> renewal message inspires me to write a special thank you to a number of 
> the volunteers of this group. I am grateful to everyone who volunteers 
> for this group, but there are a few who have served a long time and/or 
> made significant contributions of time and talent to this group.
> Arnold is one of them. He has served on the Board from the beginning and 
> has taken great care to make sure everything functions in an ethical 
> way. He has done all the mailings, both of book orders and the Bulb 
> Garden. He has been treasurer for a very long time which has been a big 
> job and has meant communicating with outside sources as well as 
> communicating with whoever handles the BX and with members. He also 
> shares some of his excellent photos with the group.
> David Pilling volunteered to help me when I had the task of converting 
> the wiki when the old software was no longer being supported. Slowly he 
> became more and more involved, taking on the administration of the wiki, 
> the website, and the list. He has updated software, trouble shot all the 
> problems with the list and wiki which hasn't always been easy. When 
> ibiblio's support team stopped responding when there were problems, he 
> moved things to his own personal server, saving PBS money and allowing 
> things to run more smoothly. As a developer he has many talents that 
> allowed him to come up with ways to make the things he manages work much 
> better. And he has always been great about communicating with his teams. 
> I don't know how the group could manage without him.
> Jane McGary has been on the Board for a long time. She was once the 
> President and for a number of years has managed the membership. She 
> communicates also with non members who ask questions. And as someone who 
> has an extensive knowledge of bulbs she often posts really helpful 
> information to the list.
> Robin Hansen has been editor of the Bulb Garden for a number of years. 
> She continues to find people who will contribute articles for it.? She 
> is now President as well and is obviously taking this job very 
> seriously, communicating with members and exploring alternatives as they 
> arise.
> All of us are lucky to have these four people involved with this group.
> Mary Sue
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2021 08:26:04 -0800
> From: Marc Rosenblum <ivanhoe3@charter.net>
> To: Pacific Bulb Society <pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net>
> Subject: Re: [pbs] Thank You
> Message-ID: <69f0640a-cc42-7d62-e481-c322112399b5@charter.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
>> On 12/13/2021 8:19 AM, Mary Sue Ittner via pbs wrote:
>> I was away during the time people were thanking Luminita, but Arnold's 
>> renewal message inspires me to write a special thank you to a number 
>> of the volunteers of this group. I am grateful to everyone who 
>> volunteers for this group, but there are a few who have served a long 
>> time and/or made significant contributions of time and talent to this 
>> group.
>> Arnold is one of them. He has served on the Board from the beginning 
>> and has taken great care to make sure everything functions in an 
>> ethical way. He has done all the mailings, both of book orders and the 
>> Bulb Garden. He has been treasurer for a very long time which has been 
>> a big job and has meant communicating with outside sources as well as 
>> communicating with whoever handles the BX and with members. He also 
>> shares some of his excellent photos with the group.
>> David Pilling volunteered to help me when I had the task of converting 
>> the wiki when the old software was no longer being supported. Slowly 
>> he became more and more involved, taking on the administration of the 
>> wiki, the website, and the list. He has updated software, trouble shot 
>> all the problems with the list and wiki which hasn't always been easy. 
>> When ibiblio's support team stopped responding when there were 
>> problems, he moved things to his own personal server, saving PBS money 
>> and allowing things to run more smoothly. As a developer he has many 
>> talents that allowed him to come up with ways to make the things he 
>> manages work much better. And he has always been great about 
>> communicating with his teams. I don't know how the group could manage 
>> without him.
>> Jane McGary has been on the Board for a long time. She was once the 
>> President and for a number of years has managed the membership. She 
>> communicates also with non members who ask questions. And as someone 
>> who has an extensive knowledge of bulbs she often posts really helpful 
>> information to the list.
>> Robin Hansen has been editor of the Bulb Garden for a number of years. 
>> She continues to find people who will contribute articles for it.? She 
>> is now President as well and is obviously taking this job very 
>> seriously, communicating with members and exploring alternatives as 
>> they arise.
>> All of us are lucky to have these four people involved with this group.
> *Indeed!*
>> Mary Sue
>> _______________________________________________
>> pbs mailing list
>> pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
>> http://lists.pacificbulbsociety.net/cgi-bin/…
>> Unsubscribe: <mailto:pbs-unsubscribe@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net>
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2021 12:35:49 -0800
> From: Mike Rummerfield <mikerumm@gmail.com>
> To: Pacific Bulb Society <pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net>
> Subject: [pbs] APHIS seed import license/ permit info
> Message-ID:
>    <CACvUPLeRsWFvrqZxG9Ap_PGZtP0x2hHp-XS1VEb-uD_WakL5Sw@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> With permission from Bobby Ward,  NARGS Exec. Sec., representing the North
> American Rock Garden Society (NARGS), here is a copy of the text of an
> email recently sent out to their membership regarding information that is
> pertinent to discussions we've had here on PBS listserv about the often
> convoluted intricacies of applying for APHIS permits, not to forget the
> often helpful agents at APHIS.  -------------------- ?
> APHIS Permit Alert from NARGS 15
> Beginning January 1, 2022, new Small Lots of Seed permit, used for
> importing seeds from organizations and seed collectors in Canada and
> overseas, will only be valid for a single year.  This is in line with other
> import permits; we have been fortunate to have had Small Lots of Seed
> permits that were good for three years.  Currently held permits are valid
> until their expiration dates.  The one-year permit will still be used for
> multiple importations.
> *Until the end of December, you can still apply for a new permit that will
> be valid for three years.*  You will do it through the new APHIS-PPQ eFile
> system.  The application is straightforward and simple, the confirmation of
> your application is instantaneous, and your permit and shipping labels
> arrive minutes later.
> Instructions for applying for the three year  SLS permit can be viewed
> here: Small Lots of Seed Permit Information
> <https://nargs.org/sites/default/…>
> For further information about the program check out the Small Lots of Seed
> <https://www.nargs.org/small-lots-seed/> page. As always, we are here to
> help.  If you have questions, use the Contact button (at the top right of
> nargs.org pages) and select Category: Seed Exchange for any problems or
> issues.
> Bobby Ward, NARGS Exec. Sec.
> Email: nargs@nc.rr.com
> NARGS in the U.S. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and thus a
> donation to NARGS may be tax deductible.
> Your financial support for NARGS programs and activities is appreciated.
> As a reminder, we do not share your email address or contact with any
> outside society or organization.
> NARGS Support Team
> ?2021 North American Rock Garden Society
> P.O. Box 18604, Raleigh, North Carolina 27619-8604
> ------------------------------
> Message: 7
> Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2021 12:57:47 -0800
> From: Mike Rummerfield <mikerumm@gmail.com>
> To: Pacific Bulb Society <pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net>
> Subject: Re: [pbs] Thank You
> Message-ID:
>    <CACvUPLcsKSvDUebD-9YwRSDfEfq+PfoUKXq1UrY5WeSnm8r1qg@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> A big THANK YOU! to *all* of the volunteers that give so generously of
> their time and efforts that
> make PBS the outstanding organization that it is.  It couldn't and wouldn't
> be done without you.
> A sincere thank you, thank you, thank you,
> Mike
> On Mon, Dec 13, 2021 at 8:19 AM Mary Sue Ittner via pbs <
> pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net> wrote:
>> I was away during the time people were thanking Luminita, but Arnold's
>> renewal message inspires me to write a special thank you to a number of
>> the volunteers of this group. I am grateful to everyone who volunteers
>> for this group, but there are a few who have served a long time and/or
>> made significant contributions of time and talent to this group.
>> Arnold is one of them. He has served on the Board from the beginning and
>> has taken great care to make sure everything functions in an ethical
>> way. He has done all the mailings, both of book orders and the Bulb
>> Garden. He has been treasurer for a very long time which has been a big
>> job and has meant communicating with outside sources as well as
>> communicating with whoever handles the BX and with members. He also
>> shares some of his excellent photos with the group.
>> David Pilling volunteered to help me when I had the task of converting
>> the wiki when the old software was no longer being supported. Slowly he
>> became more and more involved, taking on the administration of the wiki,
>> the website, and the list. He has updated software, trouble shot all the
>> problems with the list and wiki which hasn't always been easy. When
>> ibiblio's support team stopped responding when there were problems, he
>> moved things to his own personal server, saving PBS money and allowing
>> things to run more smoothly. As a developer he has many talents that
>> allowed him to come up with ways to make the things he manages work much
>> better. And he has always been great about communicating with his teams.
>> I don't know how the group could manage without him.
>> Jane McGary has been on the Board for a long time. She was once the
>> President and for a number of years has managed the membership. She
>> communicates also with non members who ask questions. And as someone who
>> has an extensive knowledge of bulbs she often posts really helpful
>> information to the list.
>> Robin Hansen has been editor of the Bulb Garden for a number of years.
>> She continues to find people who will contribute articles for it.  She
>> is now President as well and is obviously taking this job very
>> seriously, communicating with members and exploring alternatives as they
>> arise.
>> All of us are lucky to have these four people involved with this group.
>> Mary Sue
>> _______________________________________________
>> pbs mailing list
>> pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
>> http://lists.pacificbulbsociety.net/cgi-bin/…
>> Unsubscribe: <mailto:pbs-unsubscribe@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net>
> ------------------------------
> Message: 8
> Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2021 13:22:59 -0800
> From: "R Hansen" <bulbnut@hansennursery.com>
> To: "'Pacific Bulb Society'" <pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net>
> Subject: Re: [pbs] APHIS seed import license/ permit info
> Message-ID: <003901d7f067$9ae0cb00$d0a26100$@hansennursery.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain;    charset="utf-8"
> Mike,
> Thanks very much to Bobby and to you for bringing this to our attention! I don't mind going through the process but having to learn the new rules through the back door so to speak is a bit frustrating. Now, if we could just get both the EU and UK to follow the US way of importing seeds, it would help all of us immensely. Rules are fine; I just wish there was a tiny bit more compromise between nations.
> Robin Hansen
> President, PBS
> ------------------------------
> Message: 9
> Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2021 15:25:44 -0800
> From: Laura & Dave <toadlily@integra.net>
> To: Pacific Bulb Society <pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net>
> Subject: Re: [pbs] MORE APHIS seed import license/ permit info
> Message-ID: <0d0e2db2-0cc7-e9f8-fd4c-04c5ffd39193@integra.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
> Hi all.
> ? Thanks to NARGS and Mike for the information posted regarding permits.? I had 
> just finished getting my permit when this was all posted by NARGS and here.
> ? One thing I noted that was missing from the information was references to the 
> old small lots of seeds permits.? These started with P37-, and appear to no 
> longer exist.? The Small lots of seed has been subsumed into the P587- permit 
> type, as a sub-category.? I have gotten a second notice that my old permit will 
> expire, after I had my new one, so there seems to be a disconnect there.
> ?? I've been trying to find out one other thing.? On the instruction page for 
> the new mailing labels (Green/Yellow), there is a statement that */either/* the 
> permit, or the permit # needs to be enclosed in the package.? If this is 
> correct, this would mean eliminating a great deal of printing needed by the 
> requestor or the shipper (when permits are sent electronically, rather than 
> physically).
> ? Also, since there is only one G/Y label now (#1), creating a document with 
> just one label will save 3/4 of the ink needed by the four label sheet.? In the 
> Windows world, I simply used the snipping tool to grab one label, and pasted it 
> into Word.? The label seemed to size itself correctly, although it's something 
> that needs to be checked.? Save and send/print this as a file whenever needed.? 
> The dimentions from a printed copy of the quad-sheet are 4 3/4' by 3 3/4" (12cm 
> by 9 1//2cm).? I trust that a tiny deviation will not we a problem, as not all 
> printers are exactly the same nor settings for them.?? I've done this for 
> several years, and it is greatly appreciated.? The colors are dense, and when 
> you have to print a hundred sheets of permits, the savings in ink, time and file 
> transmission/storage are significant.
> Thanks,
> ? Dave Brastow
> Tumwater, Washington (USA), where the weather is bleak, but Narcissus 
> cantabricus, N. bulbocodium v. praecox, Acis tingitana are keeping the 
> greenhouse cheerful.
> ------------------------------
> Subject: Digest Footer
> _______________________________________________
> pbs mailing list
> pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
> http://lists.pacificbulbsociety.net/cgi-bin/…
> Unsubscribe: <mailto:pbs-unsubscribe@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net>
> ------------------------------
> End of pbs Digest, Vol 58, Issue 14
> ***********************************
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