Dear all, In line with Jane's message earlier about Ron Ratko as an excellent source of wild collected seed for Triteleia, I got a message from him today. Here are the relevant parts: "The seedlist is finally ready. It is available as a catalog, which will be mailed no later than January 3, or as an attachment to an e-mail. It is formatted in Microsoft Office 2001 and is 1MB in size. I have also the list divided into three files if 1MB is too large for your inbox. Please let me know how you would like to receive the list. I have a new e-mail: oreonana at Please do not use oreonana at Ron Ratko Northwest Native Seed December 24, 2004 " I suggest that anyone who is interested who has not ordered from Ron before email him at his new email address and ask for a catalog. His seed is first rate and his catalog gives you such excellent collection information. Mary Sue