Ferraria crispa

Floral Architecture
Sat, 25 Dec 2004 10:55:37 PST
Interesting that this is the topic of the week. I just
found my pot (before reading any of the messages) and
divided it up into 5 1-gallon containers. The corms
popped off the growths in the process and I put them
into a seperate container. 
The interesting thing I found about the growths is
they had very little if any small fiberous roots.
There was a long white root from the corm and then the
top growth from the corm up. It looked almost like a
retracticle root. How deep do these corms go when they
are in the ground? Mine were about 2/3 down in the
1-gallon container.
These have never flowered for me as this is my first
year with them. I think they came from a BX. 
I would love to get a lot more of them if anyone has
too many, I am open. 
The other species sound just as fascinating. 

John Ingram in L.A., CA. check it out
310.709.1613 (cell, west coast time, please call accordingly. Thank you)

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