Lily Bulb or Seed Exchange

Mary Sue Ittner
Fri, 24 Dec 2004 14:15:01 PST
This came from a newly subscribed member, but was in html format so did not 
get through to the list. I'm reposting it as a text message.

Mary Sue
I am interested in trading nursery propagated (from legitimately purchased 
seed) native western lilies for native eastern lilies. I am particularly 
interested in Lilium grayi, superbum - "maroon", canadense - "clear and 
speckled yellow", michauxii and pyrophilum.

My offerings include L. maritimum, kelleyanum and vollmeri. I do have small 
plants of L. parryi and pardalinum.

Jerry Murray - The Seed Connoiseur
jdlmurray52 at 

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