Hi, I have a Ferraria but I do not remember which one. I think it is crispa but I will not swear to that. I received my bulbs last fall. I planted them in one of those plastic cauldrons. I couldn't resist! Anyway they have never done a thing. So today I went downstairs and was digging around in my pot. I could not find any on top but did not want to dump the soil so I kept digging. My tiny tubers were clear at the bottom of the pot. I am thinking maybe I put them in too large of a pot and need to re-pot them into something smaller as the tubers are about the size of a quarter around and maybe five quarters thick. Where can I find some of the vanilla scented ones and are there other scented varieties? Sheri Make a difference! Plant-A-Row For The Hungry Ask me how! Region III Plant-A-Row For The Hungry Representative http://www.gwaa.org/Par/index.html Do you like gardening? Don't miss the ultimate website for the truly obsessed plant-a-holic! FREE swap and chat forums, informative articles and much more! http://www.exoticgardening.com/ Do you need a freelance writer, editor, photographer or speaker? Contact Sheri Ann Richerson (765) 664-6916 SheriAnnRicherson@exoticgardening.com http://sheriannricherson.exoticgardening.com/