Wiki Additions

Mary Sue Ittner
Wed, 27 Oct 2004 08:42:45 PDT
Dear All,

I added two more Ammocharis coranica pictures from Cameron to the 
Ammocharis page.…

We have a new wiki contributor, Rogan Roth. Check out the new picture for 
Cypella hauthalii
opalina on the Cypella page:…

and the new picture for Hippeastrum calyptratum on the Hippeastrum page:…

and then read all about Rogan and KwaZulu-Natal on:…

I always find the contributors pages so interesting and will encourage many 
of you who have not made a page to do so. If you go to the contributors 
page and see your name there in black instead of blue that means you do not 
have a page. Even if you just write a few lines about where you live and 
what you grow it is a big help to someone who sees an image of yours or 
something you have written and wants to know more about you. A few of you 
are in a bulb related business and this is your chance to get a little free 
advertising (something I am always asking you to limit on the list.)…
If you are willing to have a page, but don't want to take the time to 
create one, send the text to me and I (or if there are a lot of these maybe 
I can get one of the other administrators to help me) will make the page 
for you. A recent contributors page I don't think got announced to the 
group is:…

Mary Sue
PBS list and wiki Administrator

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