October 2013 Archives by author
Starting: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 22:22:25 PDT
Ending: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 20:57:47 PDT
Messages: 408
- Nerines/ bowdenii for cold climates A. M. Walnik
- Paciic Bulb Society BX 348 Aad van Beek
- Worsleya pumice Aad van Beek
- Worsleya pumice Aad van Beek
- Hardiness of Zephyranthes foliage Aad van Beek
- Ipomoea batatas Aad van Beek
- squirel deterrent Aad van Beek
- BX package Aad van Beek
- Wildlife in the City aaron floden
- Did anyone on this forum ever use Electromagnetic Energy water energising technology and if so what were the results.? I have just purchased a unit and I am interested to know has anyone has had successful results with it . Alan O'Leary
- Hardiness of Zephyranthes foliage Alani Davis
- Hardiness of Zephyranthes foliage Alani Davis
- mystery bulb Alberto Castillo
- seedlings of Paramongaia weberbaueri Alberto Castillo
- Growing in cracks between boulders: worsleya Alberto Castillo
- seedlings of Paramongaia weberbaueri Alberto Castillo
- Hardiness of Zephyranthes foliage Alberto Castillo
- Hardiness of Zephyranthes foliage Alberto Castillo
- Hardiness of Zephyranthes foliage Alberto Castillo
- Hardiness of Zephyranthes foliage Alberto Castillo
- Hardiness of Zephyranthes foliage Alberto Castillo
- Hardiness of Zephyranthes foliage Alberto Castillo
- Ipomoea batatas Alberto Castillo
- PBS on Facebook Alberto Castillo
- Orientation of bulbs Alberto Castillo
- PBS on Facebook Alberto Castillo
- BX question Alberto Castillo
- Large narcissus fly Alberto Castillo
- Sternbergia and Zephyranthes Alberto Castillo
- Z. atamasco (was Sternbergia and Zephyranthes) Alberto Castillo
- Zephyranthes verecunda Alberto Castillo
- Zephyranthes candida Alberto Castillo
- "Commercial" Freesias Alberto Castillo
- Sternbergia and Zephyranthes Alberto Castillo
- "Commercial" Freesias Alberto Castillo
- "Commercial" Freesias Alberto Castillo
- Any growers of S. cinnabarinus? Anders Bo Petersen
- New South American Bulb group on Facebook Anders Bo Petersen
- Name of the group on Facebook is South American Bulbs Anders Bo Petersen
- Luring in younger bulb growers Anders Bo Petersen
- Hippeastrum seedlings break off Ann Shubin
- a new pest Arnold
- You can reply directly to Dell regarding the BX arnold140@verizon.net
- Hippeastrum seedlings break off arnold140@verizon.net
- Night time light arnold140@verizon.net
- Stenomesson arnold140@verizon.net
- Stenomesson arnold140@verizon.net
- a new pest B Spencer
- Wildlife in the City B Spencer
- Paciic Bulb Society BX 348 bea spencer
- Nerines bea spencer
- Facebook (off topic) bea spencer
- Lachenalia aloides aurea Ben Zonneveld
- Emerald Sea Daffodil Bill Lee
- Emerald Sea Daffodil Bill Lee
- PBS on Facebook Blanca Wingate
- Tulip Publication Boyce Tankersley
- Any growers of S. cinnabarinus? Bruce Schroder
- Jim Lycos Bulborum Botanicum
- Jim Lycos Bulborum Botanicum
- PBS on Facebook Bulborum Botanicum
- beginner questions for Lachenalia aloides quadricolor Chad Schroter
- squirrel deterrent Chad Schroter
- Facebook Chernoff, Ellen A. G.
- Facebook (off topic) Christiaan van Schalkwyk
- Wildflowers of Turkey clawler9@cox.net
- Haemanthus deformis clayton3120 clayton3120
- Hippeastrum sales CORRECTION clayton3120 clayton3120
- Luring in younger bulb growers clayton3120 clayton3120
- beginner questions for Lachenalia aloides quadricolor Colin Davis
- Worsleya pumice Colin Davis
- a new pest Colleen
- Jim Lycos contact
- Jim Lycos contact
- Facebook (off topic) contact
- When to start watering/blooming now (south of France) contact
- "Commercial" Freesias contact
- Luring in younger bulb growers Cynthia Mueller
- Bulb videos was (Luring in younger bulb growers) Cynthia Mueller
- a new pest Cynthia Mueller
- Amaryllis belladonna petal tips David Pilling
- Amaryllis belladonna petal tips David Pilling
- Nerine and Albuca Canadensis David Pilling
- Luring in younger bulb growers David Pilling
- Bulb videos was (Luring in younger bulb growers) David Pilling
- Bulb videos was (Luring in younger bulb growers) David Pilling
- Did anyone on this forum ever use Electromagnetic Energy water energising technology David Pilling
- Did anyone on this forum ever use Electromagnetic Energy water energising technology David Pilling
- Stenomesson David Pilling
- Sprekelia formosissima sources Dennis Kramb
- Hardiness of Zephyranthes foliage Dennis Kramb
- a new pest Dennis Kramb
- a new pest Dennis Kramb
- Nerines Diana Chapman
- Nerines Diana Chapman
- Facebook (off topic) Diana Chapman
- Mislabeled seed? Diana Chapman
- Lachenalia aloides quadricolor Diane Whitehead
- Nerines Diane Whitehead
- squirrel deterrent Diane Whitehead
- beginner questions for Lachenalia aloides quadricolor dkramb
- Paciic Bulb Society BX 348 ds429
- Paciic Bulb Society BX 348 ds429
- Paciic Bulb Society BX 348 ds429
- You can reply directly to Dell regarding the BX ds429
- You can reply directly to Dell regarding the BX ds429
- BX 348 CLOSED ds429
- Paciic Bulb Society BX 348 ds429
- Lachenalia ds429
- Paciic Bulb Society BX 349 ds429
- Paciic Bulb Society BX 349 ds429
- Hippeastrum seedlings break off ds429
- BX 349 CLOSED ds429
- Growing in cracks between boulders: worsleya ds429
- Growing in cracks between boulders: worsleya ds429
- Growing in cracks between boulders: worsleya ds429
- Pacific Bulb Society BX 350 ds429
- Fw: quick correction ds429
- Pacific Bulb Society BX 350 ds429
- Pacific Bulb Society BX 350 ds429
- BX 350 CLOSED ds429
- PBS on Facebook ds429
- Paciic Bulb Society BX 351 ds429
- Pacific Bulb Society BX 351 CLOSED ds429
- Reminder about Dell's email ds429
- BX question ds429@frontier.com
- Growing Tecophilaea Suggestions elilium71@roadrunner.com
- Growing Tecophilaea Suggestions elilium71@roadrunner.com
- What is blooming mid-October Ellen Hornig
- a new pest Ellen Hornig
- Z. atamasco (was Sternbergia and Zephyranthes) Eugene Zielinski
- new member francisco lopez torres
- Another yellow lycoris ID FrankCar
- Nerines Fred Biasella
- Luring in younger bulb growers Fred Biasella
- Large narcissus fly gardenpt@aol.com
- When to start watering; emerging leaves without rain; California N-S gradient Gastil Gastil-Buhl
- Soil moisture Giant Coreopsis
- a new pest Giant Coreopsis
- Inclusion question Hannon
- Growing in cracks between boulders Hannon
- Facebook (off topic) Hannon
- Luring in younger bulb growers Hannon
- squirel deterrent Hannon
- Polyxena ensifolia Hannon
- Pacific Bulb Society BX 350 Hans Callebaut
- You can reply directly to Dell regarding the BX Ina Crossley
- You can reply directly to Dell regarding the BX Ina Crossley
- You can reply directly to Dell regarding the BX Ina Crossley
- Lachenalia aloides quadricolor Ina Crossley
- Lachenalia aloides quadricolor Ina Crossley
- Lachenalia aloides quadricolor Ina Crossley
- latest address book Ina Crossley
- seedlings of Paramongaia weberbaueri Ina Crossley
- seedlings of Paramongaia weberbaueri Ina Crossley
- seedlings of Paramongaia weberbaueri Ina Crossley
- Hardiness of Zephyranthes foliage Ina Crossley
- Hardiness of Zephyranthes foliage Ina Crossley
- Hardiness of Zephyranthes foliage Ina Crossley
- Hardiness of Zephyranthes foliage Ina Crossley
- Hardiness of Zephyranthes foliage Ina Crossley
- Hardiness of Zephyranthes foliage Ina Crossley
- Hardiness of Zephyranthes foliage Ina Crossley
- Jim Lycos Ina Crossley
- Facebook (off topic) Ina Crossley
- Hippeastrum sales Ina Crossley
- Hippeastrum sales CORRECTION Ina Crossley
- New South American Bulb group on Facebook Ina Crossley
- PBS on Facebook Ina Crossley
- New South American Bulb group on Facebook Ina Crossley
- New South American Bulb group on Facebook Ina Crossley
- New South American Bulb group on Facebook Ina Crossley
- New South American Bulb group on Facebook Ina Crossley
- Luring in younger bulb growers Ina Crossley
- Luring in younger bulb growers Ina Crossley
- Luring in younger bulb growers Ina Crossley
- Growing Tecophilaea Suggestions Ina Crossley
- Sternbergia and Zephyranthes Ina Crossley
- Z. atamasco (was Sternbergia and Zephyranthes) Ina Crossley
- Z. atamasco (was Sternbergia and Zephyranthes) Ina Crossley
- Zephyranthes verecunda Ina Crossley
- Z. atamasco (was Sternbergia and Zephyranthes) Ina Crossley
- Sternbergia and Zephyranthes Ina Crossley
- Hippeastrum seedlings break off J.E. Shields
- PBS on Facebook J.E. Shields
- New South American Bulb group on Facebook J.E. Shields
- Sternbergia and Zephyranthes J.E. Shields
- Sternbergia and Zephyranthes J.E. Shields
- Z. atamasco (was Sternbergia and Zephyranthes) J.E. Shields
- Odp: Re: Large narcissus fly Jacek ZwoliĆski
- squirrel deterrent James Frelichowski
- a new pest James Frelichowski
- Nerines/ bowdenii for cold climates James L. Jones
- What is blooming mid-October James L. Jones
- Wildflowers of Turkey James Waddick
- Wildflowers of Turkey James Waddick
- Worsleya woes James Waddick
- PBS on Facebook James Waddick
- Haemanthus deformis Jane McGary
- Colchicum boissieri Jane McGary
- Repotting Jane McGary
- Growing in cracks between boulders Jane McGary
- Sprekelia formosissima sources Jane McGary
- Luring in younger bulb growers Jane McGary
- Orientation of bulbs Jane McGary
- Luring in younger bulb growers Jane McGary
- When to start watering/blooming now Jane McGary
- What is blooming mid-October Jane McGary
- how to grow Erythronium Pusaterii Seeds Jane McGary
- Growing Tecophilaea Suggestions Jane McGary
- Sternbergia and Zephyranthes Jane McGary
- "Commercial" Freesias Jane McGary
- Amaryllis in Australia Jane Merryman
- Hippeastrum 'Melfi' Jane Merryman
- Paciic Bulb Society BX 349 Jim Bauml
- Lachenalia aloides quadricolor Jim McKenney
- Lachenalia aloides quadricolor Jim McKenney
- Ian Young to speak in the greater Washington, D.C. area on Oct 22. Jim McKenney
- Germination of Moraea polystachya and Tigridia vanhouttei Jim McKenney
- a new pest Jim McKenney
- Haemanthus deformis Jlgatard@aol.com
- dormancy question Johannes-Ulrich Urban
- hardy Nerine Johannes-Ulrich Urban
- Alocasia hypnosa Johannes-Ulrich Urban
- Dormancy questions Johannes-Ulrich Urban
- Repotting John Wickham
- Nhu Question re: BX 349 John Wickham
- Mislabeled seed? John Willis
- Mislabeled seed? John Willis
- Moraeas Joseph Kraatz
- squirrel deterrent Joyce Miller
- pbs Digest, Vol 129, Issue 50 Joyce Miller
- Facebook Public or Private Judy Glattstein
- Zephyranthes candida Judy Glattstein
- "Commercial" Freesias Judy Glattstein
- Wildlife in the City Judy Glattstein
- pbs Digest, Vol 129, Issue 50 Jyl Tuck
- Haemanthus deformis Karen Kelley
- Growing in cracks between boulders Karl Church
- PBS on Facebook Karl Church
- minor corrections to BX 351 Karl Church
- Sternbergia and Zephyranthes Kathleen Sayce
- Sternbergia and Zephyranthes Kathleen Sayce
- You can reply directly to Dell regarding the BX Kelly Irvin
- You can reply directly to Dell regarding the BX Kelly Irvin
- You can reply directly to Dell regarding the BX Kelly Irvin
- PBS on Facebook Kelly Irvin
- PBS on Facebook Kelly Irvin
- New South American Bulb group on Facebook Kelly Irvin
- New South American Bulb group on Facebook Kelly Irvin
- Luring in younger bulb growers Kelly Irvin
- Facebook Kelly Irvin
- a new pest Kelly Irvin
- You can reply directly to Dell regarding the BX Kipp McMichael
- seedlings of Paramongaia weberbaueri Kipp McMichael
- Electromagnetic Energy water energising technology Kipp McMichael
- PBS on Facebook Kirby Fong
- how to grow Erythronium Pusaterii Seeds kuang huang
- how to grow Erythronium Pusaterii Seeds kuang huang
- Nerines/ bowdenii for cold climates Lakedees
- Hardiness of Zephyranthes foliage Lakedees
- Hardiness of Zephyranthes foliage Laura & Dave
- Any growers of S. cinnabarinus? Lee Poulsen
- Lachenalia aloides quadricolor Lee Poulsen
- Worsleya pumice Lee Poulsen
- Worsleya pumice Lee Poulsen
- Worsleya woes Lee Poulsen
- Growing Tecophilaea Suggestions Lee Poulsen
- When to start watering/blooming now Lee Poulsen
- You can reply directly to Dell regarding the BX Leo A. Martin
- beginner questions for Lachenalia aloides quadricolor Leo A. Martin
- Growing in cracks between boulders Leo A. Martin
- Albuca spiralis Leo A. Martin
- PBS on Facebook Leo A. Martin
- When to start watering/blooming now Leo A. Martin
- Hippeastrum glaucescens Leo A. Martin
- squirel deterrent Leo A. Martin
- Large narcissus fly Leo A. Martin
- squirrel deterrent Leo A. Martin
- Sternbergia and Zephyranthes Leo A. Martin
- "Commercial" Freesias Leo A. Martin
- a new pest Leo A. Martin
- Repotting M. Gastil-Buhl
- Growing in cracks between boulders M. Gastil-Buhl
- What is blooming mid-October M. Gastil-Buhl
- When to start watering; emerging leaves without rain; California N-S gradient M. Gastil-Buhl
- Nerine and Albuca Canadensis Makiko Goto-Widerman
- Emerald Sea Daffodil Makiko Goto-Widerman
- Emerald Sea Daffodil Makiko Goto-Widerman
- Emerald Sea Daffodil Makiko Goto-Widerman
- a new pest Makiko Goto-Widerman
- Tulip classification Mark
- Luring in younger bulb growers mark akimoff
- PBS on Facebook Mark BROWN
- a new pest Mark BROWN
- Nerines/ bowdenii for cold climates Mark Mazer
- Wildlife in the City Mark Mazer
- Dodecatheon, was Inclusion question Mary Sue Ittner
- Repotting Mary Sue Ittner
- PBS on Facebook Mary Sue Ittner
- When to start watering/blooming now Mary Sue Ittner
- Mislabeled seed? Mary Sue Ittner
- Scadoxus cinnabarinus pollen Michael Benedito
- Did anyone on this forum ever use Electromagnetic Energy water energising technology and if so what were the results.? I have just purchased a unit and I am interested to know has anyone has had successful results with it . Michael Campbell
- Electromagnetic Energy water energising technology Michael Campbell
- You can reply directly to Dell regarding the BX Michael Mace
- Mystery bulb Michael Mace
- Lachenalia aloides quadricolor Michael Mace
- New member Michael Mace
- Growing in cracks between boulders Michael Mace
- When to start watering/blooming now Michael Mace
- dormancy question Monica Swartz
- minor corrections to BX 351 Monica Swartz
- Large narcissus fly My Tong
- You can reply directly to Dell regarding the BX Nhu Nguyen
- Nerines/ bowdenii for cold climates Nhu Nguyen
- Nhu Question re: BX 349 Nhu Nguyen
- PBS on Facebook Nhu Nguyen
- Bulb videos was (Luring in younger bulb growers) Nhu Nguyen
- Fwd: PBS Plant Breeders? Nhu Nguyen
- how to grow Erythronium Pusaterii Seeds Nhu Nguyen
- Worsleya pumice Nicholas plummer
- Worsleya pumice Nicholas plummer
- Hardiness of Zephyranthes foliage Nicholas plummer
- Luring in younger bulb growers Nicholas plummer
- Hippeastrum glaucescens Nicholas plummer
- Sternbergia and Zephyranthes Nicholas Plummer
- Lachenalia aloides quadricolor Nick de Rothschild
- squirel deterrent Nick de Rothschild
- squirel deterrent Nick de Rothschild
- Lachenalia aloides quadricolor Patty Colville
- Subject: Did anyone on this forum ever use Electromagnetic Energy..... Paul Cumbleton
- BX question Paul T.
- Facebook (off topic) pelarg@aol.com
- Nerines/ bowdenii for cold climates Peter Taggart
- Nerines/ bowdenii for cold climates Peter Taggart
- Hardiness of Zephyranthes foliage Peter Taggart
- Tulip classification Peter Taggart
- New South American Bulb group on Facebook Peter Taggart
- Facebook Public or Private Peter Taggart
- When to start watering/blooming now Peter Taggart
- Large narcissus fly Peter Taggart
- "Commercial" Freesias Peter Taggart
- "Commercial" Freesias Peter Taggart
- When to start watering; emerging leaves without rain; California N-S gradient Peter Taggart
- mystery bulb piaba
- PBS on Facebook Rainforestcarnivores
- Haemanthus deformis Randall P. Linke
- Inclusion question Randall P. Linke
- Pacific Bulb Society BX 350 Randall P. Linke
- Paciic Bulb Society BX 348 raymond schuck
- Success with Scilla richard
- Dodecatheon, was Inclusion question Richard
- Dodecatheon hendersonii Richard
- albuca spiralis: cultural tips? Rick Buell
- albuca spiralis: cultural tips? Rick Buell
- squirrel deterrent Rick Buell
- What is blooming mid-October- Hyacinthoides (scilla) lingulata Rimmer
- a new pest Rimmer
- Wildflowers of Turkey Rimmer de Vries
- a new pest Rimmer de Vries
- Dodecatheon, was Inclusion question Robin Hansen
- Repotting Rodger Whitlock
- Luring in younger bulb growers Rodger Whitlock
- Growing Tecophilaea Suggestions Rodger Whitlock
- how to grow Erythronium Pusaterii Seeds Rodger Whitlock
- Sternbergia and Zephyranthes Rodger Whitlock
- BX question Rodney Barton
- Night time light Russ Varnado
- Remove from mailing list Ruth Bierhoff
- Facebook (off topic) Shelley Gage
- Jim Lycos Shelley Gage
- a new pest Shelley Gage
- Wildlife in the City Shirley Meneice
- Polyxena ensifolia Shoal Creek Succulents
- Polyxena ensifolia Shoal Creek Succulents
- squirel deterrent Stephen Putman
- You can reply directly to Dell regarding the BX Steven
- Success with Scilla Steven
- You can reply directly to Dell regarding the BX Steven
- Facebook causing personal threats ? Steven
- squirel deterrent Steven
- You can reply directly to Dell regarding the BX steven hart
- Success with Scilla steven hart
- You can reply directly to Dell regarding the BX steven hart
- Hardiness of Zephyranthes foliage steven hart
- Amaryllis in Australia steven hart
- Jim Lycos steven hart
- Jim Lycos steven hart
- Jim Lycos steven hart
- Bulb videos was (Luring in younger bulb growers) steven hart
- squirel deterrent steven hart
- squirel deterrent Sujit Hart
- You can reply directly to Dell regarding the BX The Silent Seed
- Any growers of S. cinnabarinus? The Silent Seed
- New South American Bulb group on Facebook The Silent Seed
- Facebook The Silent Seed
- dormancy question Tim Chapman
- dormancy question Tim Chapman
- PBS on Facebook Tim Chapman
- Off topic - Facebook and other new things. Tim Harvey
- pbs Digest, Vol 129, Issue 40 Tom Mitchell
- Nerines/ bowdenii for cold climates Tony Avent
- Hardiness of Zephyranthes foliage Tony Avent
- Hardiness of Zephyranthes foliage Tony Avent
- Hardiness of Zephyranthes foliage Tony Avent
- Hardiness of Zephyranthes foliage Tony Avent
- International Rock Gardener e-magazine Youngs Aberdeen
Last message date:Thu, 31 Oct 2013 20:57:47 PDT
Archived on: Sat, 06 Jan 2024 10:38:16 PST