Gladiolus orchidiflorus

Quick Characteristics:

Flower Colors: white, yellow, purple, green, patterned
Climate: winter rain climate

Gladiolus orchidiflorus Andrews is found on clay and sandstone soils from Namibia to Cape Flats and also to Free State and flowers in the spring. It has linear to sword-shaped leaves that are thickened in the midline. Flowers are in a 5 to 12 flowered spike, windowed in profile, greenish to purple with dark purple markings on the lower tepals, and are very fragrant. Plant height: 30-40 cm. Photos 1-2 are habitat shots taken in Namaqualand by Bob Rutemoeller and Mary Sue Ittner September 2006. Photos 3-4 were taken near Carolusberg, Namaqualand by Cameron McMaster September 2011.

Gladiolus orchidiflorus, Namaqualand, Bob RutemoellerGladiolus orchidiflorus, Namaqualand, Mary Sue IttnerGladiolus orchidiflorus, Carolusberg, Cameron McMasterGladiolus orchidiflorus, Carolusberg, Cameron McMaster

The photos below were taken by Alan Horstmann.

Gladiolus orchidiflorus, Alan HorstmannGladiolus orchidiflorus, Alan HorstmannGladiolus orchidiflorus, Alan Horstmann

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