Mendocino Sonoma Coast

This page shows pictures of geophytes growing in the wild in northern California along the Sonoma Mendocino coast. Rainfall starts in the fall with the most rain coming in December and January with less rain continuing sometimes as late as May. Summers are dry although there are periods of fog in summer which brings some moisture. Temperatures are moderate year round. Habitats are mixed evergreen and redwood forests, bluff scrub, riparian and some limited grasslands, but much of this latter habitat (grasslands) is now gone. Most flowers bloom late spring into summer. Photos by Mary Sue Ittner and Bob Rutemoeller of some of the habitats.

Mendocino Coast, Mary Sue IttnerMendocino Coast, Mary Sue IttnerSonoma Coast, Bob RutemoellerRedwood Forest, Bob Rutemoeller

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To see more photos of the plants found in this region look at the plants arranged alphabetically on the pages listed below.
Allium to Calypso - Camassia to Dodecatheon - Epipactis to Maianthemum - Marah to Spiranthes - Taraxia to Zigadenus

Information about the specific plant can be found by clicking on the name in the table. That will take you to the wiki page that has information and photos of that species. By holding the shift or control key down and clicking on the thumbnail that image in the table can be enlarged and then if you hold your mouse over the top left or right side of the photo an arrow will appear that will allow you to view the photos in the table in sequence.

Bulbs of the Mendocino Sonoma Coast
Allium dichlamydeum close-up, Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Allium dichlamydeum
Allium triquetrum, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Allium triquetrum*
Allium unifolium close-up, Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Allium unifolium
Amaryllis belladonna, Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Amaryllis belladonna*
Asarum_caudatum_flower2.jpg Δ
Asarum caudatum
Brodiaea elegans, Tin Barn Road, Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Brodiaea elegans
Brodiaea terrestris ssp. terrestris, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Brodiaea terrestris
Calochortus amabilis, Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Calochortus amabilis
Calochortus tolmiei, Salt Point State Park, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Calochortus tolmiei
Calochortus uniflorus, Salt Point State Park, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Calochortus uniflorus
Calypso bulbosa, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Calypso bulbosa
Camassia quamash, Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Camassia quamash
Taraxia ovata, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Camissonia ovata²
Cardamine californica, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Cardamine californica
Chlorogalum pomeridianum, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Chlorogalum pomeridianum
Clintonia andrewsiana, Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Clintonia andrewsiana
Corallorhiza maculata, Kruse, Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Corallorhiza maculata
Corallorhiza mertensiana, Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Corallorhiza mertensiana
Crocosmia × crocosmiiflora, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Crocosmia × crocosmiiflora*
Delphinium hesperium, Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Delphinium hesperium
Delphinium nudicaule, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Delphinium nudicaule
Dipterostemon capitatus, syn. Dichelostemma capitatum, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Dichelostemma capitatum*
Dichelostemma congestum, Loren Adrian [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Dichelostemma congestum
Dipterostemon capitatus, syn. Dichelostemma capitatum, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Dipterostemon capitatus
Prosartes hookeri, Mary Hunter [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Disporum hookeri²
Prosartes smithii, Mary Hunter [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Disporum smithii²
Primula hendersonii, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Dodecatheon hendersonii²
Epipactis gigantea, Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Epipactis gigantea
Epipactis helleborine, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Epipactis helleborine*
Erythronium californicum, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Erythronium californicum
Fritillaria affinis, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Fritillaria affinis
Goodyera oblongifolia, Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Goodyera oblongifolia
Iris douglasiana, Salt Point State Park, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Iris douglasiana
Iris purdyi, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Iris purdyi
Kniphofia uvaria, Salt Point State Park, Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Kniphofia uvaria*
Lilium maritimum, Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Lilium maritimum
Lilium pardalinum, Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Lilium pardalinum
Lysichiton americanus, Rozann Grunig [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Lysichiton americanus
Maianthemum dilatatum, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Maianthemum dilatatum
Maianthemum racemosum, Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Maianthemum racemosum
Maianthemum stellatum, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Maianthemum stellatum
Marah fabacea, Salt Point State Park, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Marah fabacea
Marah oregana, Mendocino County, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Marah oregana
Narcissus sp., Salt Point State Park, Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Narcissus sp.*
Nuphar polysepala, Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Nuphar polysepala
Oxalis oregana, Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Oxalis oregana
Oxalis pes-caprae, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Oxalis pes-caprae*
Piperia elegans ssp. elegans, Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Piperia elegans
Piperia transversa, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Piperia transversa
Primula hendersonii, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Primula hendersonii
Prosartes hookeri, Mary Hunter [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Prosartes hookeri
Prosartes smithii, Mary Hunter [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Prosartes smithii
Romulea rosea, Sonoma coast, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Romulea rosea*
Scoliopus bigelovii, Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Scoliopus bigelovii
Sisyrinchium bellum, Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Sisyrinchium bellum
Sisyrinchium californicum, Salt Point State Park, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Sisyrinchium californicum
Maianthemum racemosum, Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Smilacina racemosa²
Maianthemum stellatum, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Smilacina stellata²
Spiranthes romanzoffiano, Manchester State Beach, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Spiranthes romanzoffiana
Taraxia ovata, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Taraxia ovata
Toxicoscordion fremontii, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Toxicoscordion fremontii
Toxicoscordion sp., Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Toxicoscordion sp.
Trientalis latifolia, Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Trientalis latifolia
Trillium albidum, Sonoma Coast, Craig Tooley [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Trillium albidum
Trillium ovatum forma maculosum, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Trillium ovatum
Triteleia hyacinthina, Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Triteleia hyacinthina
Triteleia laxa, Stornetta Public Lands, Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Triteleia laxa
Triteleia peduncularis, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Triteleia peduncularis
Veratrum fimbriatum, Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Veratrum fimbriatum
Watsonia meriana var. bulbillifera, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Watsonia meriana*
Xerophyllum tenax, Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Xerophyllum tenax
Zantedeschia aethiopica, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Zantedeschia aethiopica*
Toxicoscordion fremontii, Mary Sue Ittner [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Zigadenus fremontii²
Toxicoscordion sp., Bob Rutemoeller [Shift+click to enlarge, Click to go to wiki entry]
Zigadenus fremontii var minor²
* = not native
² = synonym

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