Gaika's Kop Two

Gaika's Kop is a isolated dolerite outcrop in the Amatola mountain range in the Eastern Cape. With an altitude of 1960 m, it is the highest peak in this range. Photos on these pages were mostly taken January 17 2010 when a number of friends led by Cameron McMaster spent the morning exploring. One group went to the summit and the other group explored the lower areas of the mountain. Photos of species A-D are found on this page.


Albuca sp. taken January 2010 by Mary Sue Ittner. I'm not sure of the identification of this species but I am wondering if it could be Albuca nelsonii, a robust evergreen species found on grassland and rocky slopes in southern Africa.

Albuca sp., Gaika's Kop, Mary Sue IttnerAlbuca sp., Gaika's Kop, Mary Sue IttnerAlbuca sp. leaves, Gaika's Kop, Mary Sue Ittner


Agapanthus praecox is an evergreen plant from the southeastern Cape growing in stony slopes and grassland from the southeastern Cape to KwaZulu-Natal. Photos 1-3 taken by Mary Sue Ittner January 2010. Photos 4-5 taken by Christopher Whitehouse January 2012.

Agapanthus praecox, Gaika's Kop, Mary Sue IttnerAgapanthus praecox, Gaika's Kop, Mary Sue IttnerAgapanthus praecox, Gaika's Kop, Mary Sue IttnerAgapanthus praecox, Gaika's Kop, Christopher WhitehouseAgapanthus praecox, Gaika's Kop, Christopher Whitehouse


Bulbine abyssinica grows in rocky grassland and on stony flats and slopes from the western Karoo, South Africa to tropical Africa. Photos 1-3 taken by Mary Sue Ittner and Bob Rutemoeller January 2010. Photo 4 taken by Christopher Whitehouse January 2012.

Bulbine abyssinica, Gaika's Kop, Mary Sue IttnerBulbine abyssinica, Gaika's Kop, Mary Sue IttnerBulbine abyssinica, Gaika's Kop, Bob RutemoellerBulbine abyssinica, Gaika's Kop, Christopher Whitehouse


Corycium dracomontanum is found in grassland in the Eastern Cape. Photo taken by Christopher Whitehouse January 2012.

Corycium dracomontanum, Gaika's Kop, Christopher Whitehouse


Cyrtanthus huttonii is an Eastern Cape endemic found in moist crevices along mountain streams and waterfalls or cliffs where there is underlying water for its roots. Photo taken January 2010 by Bob Rutemoeller.

Cyrtanthus huttonii, Gaika's Kop, Bob Rutemoeller


Dierama pulcherrimum is an Eastern Cape South African species that is more or less evergreen and grows to 1.6 meters in open, stony grassland. Photos taken January 2010 by Bob Rutemoeller and Mary Sue Ittner.

Dierama pulcherrimum, Gaika's Kop, Bob RutemoellerDierama pulcherrimum, Gaika's Kop, Mary Sue IttnerDierama pulcherrimum, Gaika's Kop, Mary Sue Ittner


Disa chrysostachya is a species found in damp grassland and marshy areas from Knysna to Mpumalanga. Photos 1-3 by Cameron McMaster and Bob Rutemoeller taken on the summit January 2010. Photo 4 taken by Christopher Whitehouse January 2012.

Disa chrysostachya, Gaika's Kop, Cameron McMasterDisa chrysostachya, Gaika's Kop, Bob RutemoellerDisa chrysostachya, Gaika's Kop, Bob RutemoellerDisa chrysostachya, Gaika's Kop, Christopher Whitehouse

Disa sagittalis is an almost evergreen species found on rocks, along streams, and growing in shade in the Southern and Eastern Cape, Transkei and southern Natal. Photos 1-2 by Cameron McMaster and Bob Rutemoeller taken on the summit January 2010. Photo 3 taken by Christopher Whitehouse January 2012.

Disa sagittalis, Gaika's Kop, Cameron McMasterDisa sagittalis, Gaika's Kop, Bob RutemoellerDisa sagittalis, Gaika's Kop, Christopher Whitehouse

Gaika's Kop E-N - Gaika's Kop O-Z - Gaika's Kop main page and index of plants

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