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Messages - Bwosczyna

Bulb and Seed Exchanges / US BX 498 CLOSED
October 12, 2024, 07:15:00 PM
All: Please read this post in its entirety prior to ordering so we will have no confusion and your boxes can get out to you quickly.  It will make my job a bit easier.  This is another large BX.

As always: A big thank you to our donors for their generosity.

*This BX will be open for orders until Tuesday, October 15 at 9:00 p.m. PST*

Standard rules apply for this BX:

Kindly review the list below and email me with your request(s) at
I will send a simple acknowledgement of your email.  Should you not have a response from me within a day or so, please resend.

Be sure to include your full name and current address and PLEASE advise if you have moved recently so I may note.

Bulbs are $3 each.  Many of these are only one share and in short supply. Again: some of the donors have sent me only one share of some things.  I would like to temper expectations.

This will be a lottery (however, if you did not receive something you were especially keen on last round, kindly advise and I will try to assure some accommodation. Also, if there is something you really are looking to receive, it helps for me to know this as well.)

You must be current in your membership and you must be up-to-date on BX/SX charges. If you are uncertain, feel free to check with Jane McGary or Arnold Trachtenberg.


Orders should be paid upon receipt through the PBS website at:

Please be sure to reference the BX number above (498) when paying as this helps us with accounting.
You are still free to send payment via check if that is your preference.

No orders to anywhere but the US and (sometimes) Canada can be entertained at this point.  We cannot furnish the appropriate phyto docs to other countries.

1 Haemanthus pauculifolius
                                              Mike Lowitz
2 Calochortus vestae
                                                      Mary Sue Ittner
3 Dieramasp. (D. pulcherrimum ?)
4 Geissorhizaspp. (probably G. inaequalis and G. heterostyla
5 Triteleia clementina

6 Triteleiaspp. (probably mostly T. laxa, but could have other species)
7 Wachendorfia thyrsifolia                                                Linda Press Wulf
8 Watsonia(pink) maybe borbonica                                  Lianne  Rugeroni
9 Watsonia 'Intermedia'
10 Colchicum 'Nancy Lindsay'                                          Mark Akimoff
11 Chionodoxa 'Valentine Day'           
12 Arum byzantinum     
13 Narcissus wilkommii
14 Ipheion 'Jessie'
15 Arum dioscoridis

16 Drimiopsis maculata                                                 Robert Lauf
17Resnova maxima

17a Ledebouria socialis 'Paucifolia'
18  Costus spectabilis
(ex Gabon)                                    Bern Mlynczak
18a Euphorbia globosa    
19 Griffinia espiritensis var. espiritensis
20 Griffiniasp. (prob. liboniana)
21  Erythronium tuolumnense
                                      Mike Rimmerfield                       
22 Albuca namaquensis
Flower Colors: yellow

23 Babiana patersoniae

24 Oxalis polyphylla var. heptaphylla
25 Romanzoffia tracyi

26 Scilla liliohyacinthus 
27 Triteleia laxa
                                                              Janet Hoffman
28 Moraea (Homeria) collina
29 Freesia laxa ssp. laxa
30 Babiana stricta
(dark magenta)

Chasmanthe floribuda var duckittii

32 Freesia leichtlinii
(probably NARGS)                              Ernie DeMarie
33 Othonna sp. simonuliei
34 Massonia pustulata
35 Narcissussp. Wavehill
36 Tritonia duesta
37 Moraea vegeta

38 Nerine humilis
(winter grower)   
39 Oxalissp many short stems, trifoliate leaflets  BB (BB= x Bill Baird collection)
40 Oxalis sp BB
41 Oxalis sp BB
42 Oxalis sp BB
43 Oxalis sp (three narrow leaves)
44 Oxalis sp  BB
45 Oxalis mv 4968a
46Oxalis glabra

47 Oxalis BB
48 Oxalis sp
49 Oxalis BB sort/med stems
50 Oxalis sp. (self sown)
51 Oxalis sp
52 Oxalis BB short stems
53 Oxalis attaquana
54 Oxalis capillare? BB
55 Oxalis clavifolia

56 Oxalis depressa PBS 364
57 Oxalis dichotoma
58 Oxalis 'dichtomata' BB 58
59 Oxalis dregei

60 Oxalis flava
BB fine leaflets
61 Oxalis flava
62 Oxalis flava
63 Oxalis flava
BX 248 #8
64 Oxalis sp (flava?)
65 Oxalis  flava BB
66 Oxalis flava
erect leaves BB
67 Oxalis flava
broadleaf BB
68 Oxalis flava
narrow leaves BB
69 Oxalis flava
70 Oxalis flava BB
71 Oxalis flava BB   
72 Oxalis flava (asina)
73 Oxalis flava narrow leaves PBS BX?
74 Oxalis flava narrow leaves/pink flower BB
75 Oxalis gracilis
orange flower BB
76 Oxalis hedysaroidesyellow flower BB
77 Oxalis imbracata BB
78 Oxalissp (luteola) BB
79Oxalis luteola
white flower  BB
80 Oxalis sp long stem/three leaflets
81 Sprekelia                                                                              Christine Doud
82 Lilium formosanum

83 Crocus sativus
ex BX476 #19                                                Jeron Chamberlain
84 Crocusx leonidii 'Early Gold' ex BX476 #42
85 Gladiolus carinatus
Flower Colors: yellow, purple, blue
Climate: winter rain climate
ex BX478-139 seed grown started 11-19-21
86 Ixia paniculata
ex BX481 #80
87 Ixia viridiflora
seed grown from AGS or NARGS seed 11-19-21
88 Lachenalia bulbifera
pink variety
89 Narcissus cantabricus
ssp. cantabricus var. foliosus ex Illahe
90 Narcissus willkommii
ex Brent and Becky's Bulbs
91 Sparaxis metelerkampiae
seed grown from AGS or NARGS seed
92  Chlorogalum purpureum v reductum (garden grown)            Kipp McMichael 
93 Polyxena ensifolia
ex Duggan
94 Lachenalia carnosa
ex Silverhill
95 Massonia echinata
ex Lifestyle
96 Moraea pritzeliana
ex Silverhill
97 Massonia depressa

98 Tritonia crispa
99 Triteleia laxa

100 Eriospermumsp?
101 Massoniamisc. sp.
102Ledebouria socialis
                                                              Judy Wong
103 Sinningia tubiflora

104  Scilla(Oncostemma) peruviana (white/some blue)                Val & Jack Myrick
105 Rauhia multiflora
ex cultivated stock Hawaii                          Steve Marak 
106 Ledebouria zebrina
ex Penroc 2008 sown 6/25/21
107  Muscari plumosum
                                                          Jerry Weiland
108 Amorphophallus yunnanensis RP1
109 Arisaema amurense

110 Arisaema exappendiculatum

111 Arisaema flava"Yellow Strain #2"
112 Arisaema taiwanense

113 Brodiaea pallida

114 Nerine filifolia
115 Pinellia cordata

116 Pinellia pedatisecta

117 Sauromatum giganteum
118 Sparaxis tricolor
'Red and Yellow'
119 Triteleia peduncularis

120Muscari discolor
Archibald collection 689.270                  Terry Laskiewicz
    From the Syrian desert
121 Fritillaria biflora
v. ineziana,  plant with fat end Pointing up
122 Narcissus bulbocodium
ssp bulbocodium filifolius
123 Arum apulum
ex PBS 2015 #7
124 Tulipa didieri
125 Arisaemasp (maybe Taiwanense - early)                        Amy Olmsted 
126 Arisaema candidissimum alba
127 Arisaema triphyllum ssp. stewardsonii  [changed nni to nii]
127 Amorphophllus konjac
128 Albuca polyphylla
Uniondale ex Roy Herald                      Rimmer De Vries
129 Cyrtantus labiatus offsets (BX 482) Roy Herald (BX 239 Jim Shields)
130 Hymenocallis maxomiliani (su) offsets Telos 2014
131 Nothoscordum dialystemon
(offsets, spring) yellow ex Roy Herald
132 Sauromatum giganteum
offsets ex B Wosczyna 2023 
133 Sinningia bullata Florianopilis 1 yo curling plants
134 Sinningia macrostachya
(?) Brazil Plants seed
135  Sinningia 'Owlsee's Red Hot' bullata hybrid large plant
136 Arisaema heterophyllum                                   Bridget Wosczyna
137 Pinellia 'Polly Spout'
138 Sauromatum venosum 'Indian Giant'
139 Lilium 'Stargazer'

Thanks, Bridget
Bulb and Seed Exchanges / US BX 498 Coming This Week
October 07, 2024, 04:58:38 PM
Kindly keep your eyes peeled for the post listing US BX 498 in the next couple days.  
Thanks, Bridget
Bulb and Seed Exchanges / US BX Bulb Donation Window Open
September 26, 2024, 05:31:38 PM

The donation window for the next 2024 US BX is now open until October 5, 2024 (if you need additional time, kindly advise). Please read below carefully, thanks!

I am ready to accept donations of clean, healthy bulbs at this time.  I am not requiring donors pre-package the donations in ready-to-go packets; I find it easier and more effective to do this myself according to demand and realize not everyone has time to sort and separate, other than species/ssp.  I will need you to label the bag or box to easily identify the bulbs.

Each donor will be credited the postage for the donation or a minimum of $5.

Feel free to include comments or instructions for your donated items, most of us need some help with new items to our collections.

Kindly send your donations to me at:

Bridget Wosczyna

731 Furnace Road
Morgantown PA 19543

Please be sure to send me an email advising that you have sent the bulbs so that I may keep an eye on my mailbox.

This notice will  be mailed out to the PBS list as well.

Email me at with any questions.

Thanks in advance!
Bulb and Seed Exchanges / US BX 497 IS NOW CLOSED
August 30, 2024, 07:42:12 PM
All: Please read this post in its entirety prior to ordering so we will have no confusion and your boxes can get out to you quickly.  It will make my job a bit easier.  This is another large BX.

*This BX will be open for orders until Monday, September 2 at 9:00 p.m. PST*

Standard rules apply for this BX:

Kindly review the list below and email me with your request(s) at
I will send a simple acknowledgement of your email.  Should you not have a response from me within a day or so, please resend.

Be sure to include your full name and current address and PLEASE advise if you have moved recently so I may note.

Bulbs are $3 each.  Many of these are only one share and in short supply. Again: some of the donors have sent me only one share of some things.  I would like to temper expectations.

This will be a lottery (however, if you did not receive something you were especially keen on last round, kindly advise and I will try to assure some accommodation. Also, if there is something you really are looking to receive, it helps for me to know this as well.)

You must be current in your membership and you must be up-to-date on BX/SX charges. If you are uncertain, feel free to check with Jane McGary or Arnold Trachtenberg.


Orders should be paid upon receipt through the PBS website at:

Please be sure to reference the BX number above (497) when paying as this helps us with accounting.
You are still free to send payment via check if that is your preference.

No orders to anywhere but the US and (sometimes) Canada can be entertained at this point.  We cannot furnish the appropriate phyto docs to other countries.

Peter Shaw
1 Crossyne guttata
Ferraria divaricata arenosa
3 Ferraria schaeferi
Flower Colors: yellow, brown, patterned
Special: fragrant
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate

4 Ferraria crispa
Flower Colors: white, green, yellow, brown, patterned
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate

5 Ferraria crispa ssp nortieri
6 Ferraria densepunctulata
Flower Colors: white, purple, green, patterned
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate

7 Albuca concordiana
blue curls

8 Albuca fragrans
9 Gladiolus uysiae
Flower Colors: brown, patterned
Climate: winter rain climate

10 Hyacinthoides mauritanica

11 Moraea polystachya

12 Oxalis hirta

13 Rhodophiala bifida

Bern Mlynczak
14 Sagittanthera mzimvubuensis ex Hannon 2022
Mary Sue Ittner
Recalcitrant Seed
15 Nerine krigei

16 Allium hyalinum

17 Allium unifolium

18 Babiana fragrans

19 Brodiaea elegans

20 Dichelostemmaex 'Pink Diamond' - offsets of plants grown from seed
21 Geissorhiza inaequalis

22Ipheion uniflorum
- white/light blue

23 Lachenalia aloides
/quadricolor complex

24 Muscari armeniacum 'Cantab'
25 Mystery Mixed winter growing bulbs/corms, some not yet blooming size
26 Nerinefrom Zinkowsi rescue 'Eve' - see wiki, very few
27 Nerinefrom Zinkowsi rescue, 'Pearl Blush x H40', see wiki
28 Oxalis bifurca

29 Oxalis bowiei

30 Oxalis brasiliensis

31 Oxalis obtusa

32 Oxalis palmifrons

33 Oxalis perdicaria

34 Oxalis purpurea
'Lavender & White'

35 Tritonia crocata

36 Tropaeolum tricolor

Matt Mattus
37 Nerine sarniensis
- misc ex Exbury, Ken Hall @ Springbank & Rothschild cultivars

38 Nerine 'Rushmere Star'
39 Tropaeolum(x)? Brachyceras
Dorothy Dron Smith
40 Watsonia(white)
Kathy Purdy
41 Colchicum 'Disraeli'
42 Colchicum 'Poseidon'
43 Colchicum tenorii (cilicicum)
Jane McGary
44 Narcissus confusus(rec'd as N. radinganorum)
45 Notholirion thomsonianum
, clone from Scotland

46 Notholirion thomsonianum
, clone from New Zealand

47 Corydalis solida ssp. densiflora
48 Muscari parviflorum
(fall flowering)

49 Muscari sivrihisardaglarensis JJA 690.800
50 Biarumsp. probably tenuiflorum
51 Ornithogalum woronowii
52 Colchicum alpinum
53 Tulipa aff systola
54 Tulipa lemmersii

55 Allium cuthbertii
56Crocus tournefortii

57 Tulipa goulimyi
58 Fritillaria amana

59 Erythronium multiscapideum "Cliftonii"
60 Tulipa orphanidea

61 Bellevalia glauca
62 Narcissus bulbocodium ssp. viriditubus BS419
63 Muscari kerkis BS54744
64 Colchicum sp., medium size
65 Fritillaria sororum
66 Narcissus calcicola

67 Fritillaria lusitanica
68 Galanthus fosteri
69 Fritillaria acmopetala spp wendelboi
70Tulipa aitchisonii ssp clusianoidesEsfand 8187
71 Narcissus bulbocodium ssp praecox
72 Narcissus bulbocodium ssp obesusMS5451
73 Tulipa biflora

74 Colchicum hungaricum

75 Ornithogalum lanceolatum

Rimmer de Vries
PLEASE SEE RIMMER'S NOTE BELOW, I've had some formatting issues here. 

76 Allium macrostemon
[color=#222222][size=2][font=Segoe UI, Helvetica Neue, Nimbus Sans L, Arial, Liberation Sans, sans-serif]Lachenalia mediana[/font][/size][/color]
78 [color=#222222][size=2][font=Segoe UI, Helvetica Neue, Nimbus Sans L, Arial, Liberation Sans, sans-serif]Cyrtanthus elat[/font][/size][/color][color=#222222][size=2][font=Segoe UI, Helvetica Neue, Nimbus Sans L, Arial, Liberation Sans, sans-serif]us montanus[/font][/size][/color] (BX 330)
Judy McBride
79 Amaryllis belladonna

80 Crinum (unknown)
Jeron Chamberlain
81 Crinum macowanii
- ex Chad Cox - BX/SX 476 - 96 (grown from seed)

82 Oxalis bowiei
- ex Telos

83 Oxalis  engleriana - ex Robert Parks - BX481-86
84 Oxalis fragrans
- ex Telos

85 Oxalis fabaefolia
- ex Robert Parks 2021

86 Oxalis  polyphylla v. heptaphylla ex Robert Parks - BX481-96
87 Oxalis livida
- ex Mary Sue Ittner - BX482-12 (this one turned out to be engleriana, not livida)

88 Oxalis luteola
MV 6395 - ex Mary Sue Ittner - BX491-11 (this one turned out to look like a small oxalis purpurea with medium size magenta flowers that bloomed in late winter, not luteola)

89 Oxalis purpurea 'Garnet'- ex Cody Hinchliff BX 481-63
90 Oxalis zeekoevleyensis
- ex Mary Sue Ittner BX 481-72

Carolyn Dorsch
91 Dichelostemma congestum

92 Dichelostemma multiflorum

Christine Doud
93 Sprekelia formosissima

Dave  Linss
94 Ferraria Nortieri
Bern Mlyzczak
95 Sagittanthera mzimvubuensis
Bob Hoel
96 Hippeastrum 'Orange Sovereign'
97 Hippeastrum 'Gervase'
98 Hippeastrum 'Basuto'
99 Hippeastrum 'Minerva'
100 Hippeastrum 'White Nymph'
101Hippeastrum 'Carmen'
102 Hippeastrum 'Dancing Queen'
103 Hippeastrum 'Double Record'
104 Hippeastrum 'Bolero'
105 HippeastrumGeneric Red
Robert Parks
106 Allium amethystinum
Flower Colors: purple
Flower Season: late spring to early summer

107Arum byzantinum
108 Arum concinnatum

109 Arum concinnatum

110 Arum concinnatum Suspeck
111 Arum dioscoridis

112 Arum dioscoridis ssp. dioscoridisv. philastaeum
113 Arum dioscoridis v. syriacum RP1
114 Arum hygrophilum

115 Babiana framesii

116 Biarum tenuifolium

117 Freesia caryophyllacea

118 Gladiolus carinatus
Flower Colors: yellow, purple, blue
Climate: winter rain climate

119 Gladiolus carneus
Flower Colors: pink
Flower Season: late spring
Life form:  corm
Climate: winter rain climate

120Gladiolus trichonemifolius
Flower Colors: yellow
Flower Season: early spring
Life form:  corm
Climate: winter rain climate

121 Gladiolus virescens
Flower Colors: yellow, pink
Flower Season: early spring

122 Hesperantha bachmannii

123 Ixia dubia

124 Ixia flexuosa

125 Ixia flexuosa

126Ixia maculata

127 Ixia paniculata

128 Ixia polystachya

129 Ixia polystachya
(unknown clone)

130Ixia viridiflora

131Ixia viridiflora

132 Leucocoryne purpurea

133 Moraea bellendenii

134 Oxalis bifurca

135 Oxalis hirta

136 Oxalis hirta

137 Oxalis nortieri

138Oxalis pardalis
MV 7632

139 Oxalis purpurea

140 Oxalis purpurea Garnet
141 Oxalis purpurea Lavender & White
142 Oxalis purpurea Rose Pink
143 Oxalis purpurea 'Skar'
144 Oxalis purpurea

145 Oxalis simplex
146 Oxalis simplex?
147 Oxalissp. (aff. flava)
148 Oxalissp. RH11 Silvermine
149 Oxalis tenuifolia

150 Oxalis tomentosum
151 Oxalis versicolor

152 Oxalis zeekoevleyensis

153Pelargonium auritum

154 Sparaxis tricolor
Red & Yellow

155 Tritonia crocata

156 Tritonia pallida
ssp. Tayloriae

Thank you as always to our donors.
Be advised that any and all mistakes on spelling are likely mine.  If donors see an issue with their listed item, please feel free to chime in.
Thank you,

Bulb and Seed Exchanges / US BX 497 coming this week
August 26, 2024, 08:54:15 PM

I am getting the BX together and will be posting the list on Wednesday or Thursday.  I have already received several donations and believe I have heard from everyone who intends to donate.  If you have not gotten a donation together but had intended to, please know that I already have plans for another BX in early October, so do not rush if it is inconvenient at this time and if your bulbs are safe to wait until then.

As usual, we have a nice list on offer and I wanted to assure everyone has an opportunity to know the list is coming so you may keep an eye out.

All, the donation window for the next 2024 US BX is now open until August 30, 2024 (if you need additional time, kindly advise). I have had a few donations already and several more members ask if they may send bulbs to me, so if you have anything to share, please do so.

Please read below carefully, thanks!

I am ready to accept donations of clean, healthy bulbs at this time.  I am not requiring donors pre-package the donations in ready-to-go packets; I find it easier and more effective to do this myself according to demand and realize not everyone has time to sort and separate, other than species/ssp.  I will need you to label the bag or box to easily identify the bulbs.

Each donor will be credited the postage for the donation or a minimum of $5.

Feel free to include comments or instructions for your donated items, most of us need some help with new items to our collections.

Kindly send your donations to me at:

Bridget Wosczyna

731 Furnace Road
Morgantown PA 19543

Please be sure to send me an email advising that you have sent the bulbs so that I may keep an eye on my mailbox.

This notice will be mailed out to the PBS list as well.

Email me at with any questions.

Thanks in advance!
All: Please read this post in its entirety prior to ordering so we will have no confusion and your boxes can get out to you quickly.  It will make my job a bit easier.  This is a huge BX.
*This BX will be open for orders until Friday, June 14 at 9:00 p.m. PST*

Standard rules apply for this BX:

Kindly review the list below and email me with your request(s) at
I will send a simple acknowledgement of your email.  Should you not have a response from me within a day or so, please resend.

Be sure to include your full name and current address and PLEASE advise if you have moved recently so I may note.

Bulbs are $3 each.  Many of these are only one share and in short supply. Again: some of the donors have sent me only one share of some things.  I would like to temper expectations.

This will be a lottery (however, if you did not receive something you were especially keen on last round, kindly advise and I will try to assure some accommodation. Also, if there is something you really are looking to receive, it helps for me to know this as well.)

You must be current in your membership and you must be up-to-date on BX/SX charges. If you are uncertain, feel free to check with Jane McGary or Arnold Trachtenberg.


Orders should be paid upon receipt through the PBS website at:

Please be sure to reference the BX number above (496), this helps us with accounting.
You are still free to send payment via check if that is your preference.

No orders to anywhere but the US and (sometimes) Canada can be entertained at this point.  We cannot furnish the appropriate phyto docs to other countries.

Thank you as always to our current donors. 
Be advised that any and all mistakes on spelling are likely mine.  If donors see an issue with their listed item, please feel free to chime in.

1 Sauromatum giganteum         Amy Olmsted
2 Arisaema fargesii
3 Arisaema taiwanense

4 Ferraria crispa
Flower Colors: white, green, yellow, brown, patterned
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate
                        Judy Wong
5 Ixia  white flower w/ blackish red base

6 Oxalis callosa
                        Mary Sue Ittner
7 Oxalis engleriana
8 Oxalis flava
(pink flowers)       
9 Oxalis hirta
10 Oxalis hirta
11 Oxalis hirta
12 Oxalis imbricata        
13 Oxalis livida
14 Oxalis luteola
MV 5567           
15 Oxalis melanosticta 'Ken Aslet'           
16 Oxalis obtusa 'Peaches & Cream'       
17 Oxalis obtusa
18 Oxalis obtusa
19 Oxalis obtusa
20Oxalis pulchella var. tomentosa        
21 Oxalis purpurea 'Skar'           
22 Oxalis zeekoevleyensis          
23 Phaedranassasp. (grown from seed or offsets from Phaedranassa carmiolii (probably not that) or P. cinerea           
24 Tulipa'Daydream' (small bulblets)     

25 Achimenes admirabilis
Flower Colors: red, orange
Life form:  rhizome
Climate: summer rain climate
- plant NOW            Rimmer de Vries
26 Allium amethystinum
Flower Colors: purple
Flower Season: late spring to early summer
BX 252
27 Allium guttatum dalmaticum(purple) Montenegro, Petrovac 750m AH9114   
28 Alliumtall small drumstick mauve ex China   
29 Babaiana vanzijliae BX 447     
30 Babiana ambigua
ex Silver Hill 144567 BX 471             
31 Babiana ecklonii
BS 450         
32 Babiana framesii
BX 446         
33 Babiana melanops
BX 478-113           
34 Babiana patula
ex Silver Hill 14685 BX 478-117           
35 Babiana patersoniae
BX 478-116       
36 Babiana pulchra SX 11-311   
37 Babiana rubrocyanea
- Jeremy Spon 
38 Babiana rubrocyanea
BX 471
39 Babiana sambucina Jourbertiana ex SH 287 BC 471     
40 Babianasp. BX 429   
41 Babiana stricta          
42 Babiana stricta
43 Babiana tubulosa BX 471      
44 Babiana vanzijliae    
45 Babiana virginea
P Goldblatt type collection Roggeveld           
46 Babiana 'Jim's Choice' SX11-310         
47Babiana mucronata
ex Silver Hill 13799 BX 478-114   
48 Babiana pygmaea
ex Silverhill 284 ex Hort BX 478-118             
49 Barnardia japonica
/ aka Scilla scilloides           
50 Cyanella hyacinthoides
BX 252           
51 Cyanella lutea
- Bredasdorp   
52 Cyanella lutea
- Robertson     
53 Cyanella orchidiformis
BX 368             
54Cyanella orchidiformis
west coast RSA             
55 Cyanella cygnea         
56 Cyrtanthus inaequalis S of ladysmith Hannon offset   
57 Cyrtanthus labiatus offsets, BX444     
58 Drimia uniflora
aka Litanthus pusillus- plant now       
59 Eliokarmos salteri Narouwsbert (Drimiasalteri) - Terry Smale 700A   
60 Eustephia Darwinii - Cuzco, Peru- ex Telos, ex Charles Gorenstein       
61 Gloriosa modesta
BX 455-2   
62 Haemanthus albiflos

63 Haemanthus paucifolius Telos epiphyte           
64 Hippeastrum striatum 'Cianorte'      
65 Irid volunteer             
66 Ixia 'Baby Blue'         
67 Ixia flexuosa
68 Ixiahybrids BX 445   
69 Ixia paniculata          
70 Ixia rapunculoides
71 Ixia thomasiae
72 Ixia trifolia  
73 Ixia vinacea 
74 Ixiawhite magenta eye BX 445           
75 Lachenalia orchioides
pale yellow form           
76 Lachenalia bachmanii SX Feb 2014     
77 Lachenalia juncifolia

78 Lachenalia latimerae
short pink plant
79 Lachenalia liliflora
BX 432     
80 Lachenaliamislabeled as stayeniae from Terry Smale
81  Lachenalia orthopetala
82 Notholirion thomsonianum
83 Ornithogalum 'Sun Star'       
84 Oxalis obtusa
hardy spring bloom pink             
85 Resnova macrophylla- wet packed     
86 Rhadamanthus aff. platyphyllusex BX 214     
87 Scilla madeirensis
from Longfield Garden 2014           
88Sinningia 'Spanish Skirts'      
89Sparaxis elegans
- orange SX11             
90 Sparaxis maculosa
91 Sparaxis metelekampiaeseed from BX 478-172         
92 Strumaria truncata  
93 Tritonia flabellifolia
BX 446   
94 Tritonia deusta
BX 446           
95 Tritonia gladiolaris
'cream' BX 478     
96 Tritonia pallida ssp. tayloriaeBX453 #6           
97 Urginea undulata var. tazensis KV seed 2017- 442 blooms in July- Aug, plant in hot sunny dryish location now       

98 Galanthus 'Blewberry Tart'              Anonymous Donor (PBS member)           
99 Galanthus 'Greenish'
100 Galanthus 'Cowhouse Green'    
101 Amorphophallus dunniiRP1                          Robert Parks
102 Amorphophallus dunniiRP2             
103 Amorphophallus henryi
Life form:  tuber
Narrow Leaf             
104 Amorphophallus konjac
Flower Colors: black
Flower Season: mid spring
Special: edible storage organ
Life form:  tuber
105 Amorphophallus konjac
Flower Colors: black
Flower Season: mid spring
Special: edible storage organ
Life form:  tuber
106 Amorphophallus konjac Swallowtail
107 Amorphophallus myosuroides Green Leaf  
108 Amorphophallus myosuroides Silver Center
109 Amorphophallus ongsakulii
110Arum byzantinum  
111 Arum dioscoridis v. syriacum           
112 Biarumsp. (lost label)           
113 Colocasia x Pharaohs Mask
114 Furcraea foetida 'Variegata'
115 Geissorhiza aspera

116Gladiolus alatus      
117 Gladiolus carmineus            
118 Gladiolus maculatus            
119 Gladiolus pulcherrimus      
120 Haemanthus barkerae        
121 Ixia paniculata
122 Ixia polystachya Baby Blue 
123 Ixia rapunculoides 
124 Ixia X Spotlight         
125 Lachenalia ensifolia ssp. maughanii
126 Lachenalia splendida            
127 Lachenalia trichophylla
128 Oxalis burkei            
129 Oxalis engleriana
130 Oxalis fabaefolia
131 Oxalis flabellifolia  
132 Oxalis flava
133 Oxalis flava
134 Oxalis flava
135 Oxalis flava v. pectinaria     
136 Oxalis hirta
137 Oxalis hirta
138 Oxalis luteola glauca           
139 Oxalis luteola
140 Oxalis massoniana 
141 Oxalis melanosticta

142 Oxalis melanosticta Ken Aslet           
143 Oxalis namaquana RP1         
144 Oxalis namaquana RP2         
145 Oxalis oreithala     
146 Oxalis palmifrons
147 Oxalis pardalis
MV 7632       
148 Oxalis pocockiae
149 Oxalis polyphylla    
150 Oxalis purpurea
(common lavender)               
151 Oxalis purpurea
152 Oxalis purpurea
153 Oxalis sp. Oudtshoorn          
154 Oxalis versicolor
155 OxalisX Golden Cape           
156 Sauromatum giganteum
157 Sauromatum venosum
Green Stem 
158 Sauromatum venosum Indian Giant
159 Strumaria discifera
160  Typhonium roxburghii       
161 Ullucus tuberosus Long Pink            
162 Ullucus tuberosus Moclips 

163 Hermodactylus tuberosa (Iris tuberosa)          James Shao
164 Ferraria crispa v. nortieri     
165 Oxalis glabra
dark pink ex Telos
166 Ferraria crispa         dark, ex Telos
167 Ferraria crispa         ex Telos
168 Pterostylis curta 'Keun Hee'

(Key: Silverhill number, locality and year sown)      James Heinrich
169 Gladiolus uysiae
Flower Colors: brown, patterned
Climate: winter rain climate
      Silverhill #3879 (Nieuwoudtville); 2012    
170 Sparaxis elegans     Silverhill 2332 (ex hort); 2012
171 Sparaxis grandiflora ssp acutiloba   Silverhill #2334 (Citrusdal); 2012
172 Sparaxis grandiflora ssp fimbriata   Silverhill 2335 (ex. hort); 2012
173 Sparaxis grandiflora ssp grandiflora Silverhill 2336 (ex. Hort); 2012
174 Sparaxis grandiflora ssp violacea      Silverhill #2337 (ex.hort.); 2012
175 Sparaxis metelekampiae    Silverhill 5487 (Nieuwoudtville); 2012
176 Sparaxis tricolor
      Silverhill 2339 (Nieuwoudtville); 2012

177 Ipheion uniflorum                     Denis Kearns

178 Lycoris radiata
                          Dorothy Dron Smith

179 Galanthus elwesii                     A. Trachtenberg
      unnamed seedlings, variety of different markings, garden grown 

The donations have been coming in and I'm going to post the list this weekend, by Sunday evening, EST.

The donation window for the next 2024 US BX is now open until June 5, 2024 (if you need additional time, kindly advise). Please read below carefully, thanks!

I am ready to accept donations of clean, healthy bulbs at this time.  I am not requiring donors pre-package the donations in ready-to-go packets; I find it easier and more effective to do this myself according to demand and realize not everyone has time to sort and separate, other than species/ssp.  I will need you to label the bag or box to easily identify the bulbs.

Each donor will be credited the postage for the donation or a minimum of $5.

Feel free to include comments or instructions for your donated items, most of us need some help with new items to our collections.

Kindly send your donations to me at:

Bridget Wosczyna

731 Furnace Road
Morgantown PA 19543

Please be sure to send me an email advising that you have sent the bulbs so that I may keep an eye on my mailbox.

This notice will  be mailed out to the PBS list as well.

Email me at with any questions.

Thanks in advance!
We wanted to be sure to advise of the deadline for ordering from SA Bulb Company. 
Any and all orders must be sent to Bob Lauf by Monday evening, May 6 at 12 a.m. EST.  
Only current US PBS members are eligible to participate in the offer at this time.

Thank you!

BX Manager, President
Dear All Current US Members:

PBS has an opportunity to order bulbs directly from The South African Bulb Company. This is the company from whom we ordered the wonderful amaryllid book and it went very well.

It is incumbent upon each member ordering to follow the below instructions precisely.

Member Bob Lauf has agreed to use his import permit to place a group order for US members at this time, keeping the matter above-board.  Bob has made orders previously and received his items speedily and in good condition.   We have a short window to make our orders directly through him.  We are exploring if we may be able to work something out for our EU membership at a later date.

We have decided this works best for everyone involved if we approach the order as outlined below. There will be no deviation from this protocol  


1.  Peruse the list attached (if you are reading this from the List, kindly go to the Forum post under the Bulb Exchange section to see the list)

2. Email Bob directly with your order. Include your full name and list of desired bulbs. Be very specific in listing your items.  Bob's email address is  Any orders not sent to Bob directly will not be honored.  Continuity in the ordering is imperative.

3. Bob will send you the total you owe and you must prepay Arnold via Paypal prior to the order being made with South African Bulb Company.  The amount due will include the following: a prorated amount of the phyto certification (which is generally around $25 no matter how big the order will be, so it should be a few dollars for each ordering member), the prorated shipping costs for Bob to receive the bulbs (a group order will help offset these costs as well), the total price of the bulbs you order, the shipping to Atlanta, and the shipping from Atlanta to Bob.  Bob advises the shipping from South Africa usually runs a little less than the price of the bulbs ordered.  So, generally, you can expect your cost to run about double the total amount of the bulbs you are ordering.  As we all know, this is a good deal in that most of these bulbs are not available commercially and if you can find them online, they are very expensive.  

The prices of the items are on the offer list.  Upon Bob's receipt of the bulbs, they will be shipped to me for a normal BX distribution to members. I will include a slip indicating the additional postage you owe for the shipping from me to you. All BX recipients know those charges are inexpensive. Our Stamps account offers very competitive pricing: again, usually just a few dollars. 

You agree when you order and pay that you acknowledge that there is a risk that the bulbs may not be received. It is well-known that all customers take said risk when ordering anything from other countries.  PBS and Bob Lauf assume no liability should the items not make it to the US.  An additional risk is that the plants could be delayed in shipping or may be less than ideal when received.  Neither PBS nor Bob Lauf will make any refunds. We are all assuming this risk together. Bob has had very good experiences with receiving healthy plants quickly.  We are hopeful to have the same with our group order.  

You must be a current member to participate.   

Thank you,
BX Manager and President

General Discussion / Re: Private exchanges
April 15, 2024, 07:04:36 PM
Uli, thank you for reaching out.  I am adding to the agenda.

Hello, Everyone, 

It is with excitement that we announce we have a new Bulb Garden Editor.  

Our Secretary, Emil Friend, has agreed to step into the post.  Emil has an extensive personal and professional background in horticulture and will bring a new and fresh perspective to our publication.  Emil will continue in his role as Secretary.   

We are very much looking forward to the next edition and recognize this is no small endeavor. It will be a little while until our next edition will be published, but in the meantime, we hope he will enjoy the process of putting it together.  

We would be remiss not to thank our former editor, Robin Hansen, for all of her prior work on the BG and wish her well.  

Thank you!

Bridget Wosczyna

President, PBS
Hello, Everyone, 

It is with excitement that we announce we have a new Bulb Garden Editor.  

Our Secretary, Emil Friend, has agreed to step into the post.  Emil has an extensive personal and professional background in horticulture and will bring a new and fresh perspective to our publication.  Emil will continue in his role as Secretary.   

We are very much looking forward to the next edition and recognize this is no small endeavor. It will be a little while until our next edition will be published, but in the meantime, we hope he will enjoy the process of putting it together.  

We would be remiss not to thank our former editor, Robin Hansen, for all of her prior work on the BG and wish her well.  

Thank you!

Bridget Wosczyna

President, PBS
Bulb and Seed Exchanges / US BX 494 NOW CLOSED
April 03, 2024, 01:34:27 PM
All: Please read this email in its entirety prior to ordering so we will have no confusion and your boxes can get out to you quickly.  It will make my job a bit easier.  This is a large BX.

*This BX will be open for orders until Saturday, April 6 at 9:00 p.m. PST*

Standard rules apply for this BX:

Kindly review the list below and email me with your request(s) at
I will send a simple acknowledgement of your email.  Should you not have a response from me within a day or so, please resend.
Be sure to include your full name and current address and PLEASE advise if you have moved recently so I may note.
Bulbs are $3 each.  Some of these are only one share and in short supply.
This will be a lottery (however, if you did not receive something you were especially keen on last round, kindly advise and I will try to assure some accommodation. Also, if there is something you really are looking to receive, it helps for me to know this as well.)
You must be current in your membership and you must be up-to-date on BX/SX charges. If you are uncertain, feel free to check with Jane McGary or Arnold Trachtenberg.


Orders should be paid upon receipt through the PBS website at:
Please be sure to reference the BX number above, this helps us with accounting.
You are still free to send payment via check if that is your preference.

No orders to anywhere but the US and (sometimes) Canada can be entertained at this point.  We cannot furnish the appropriate phyto docs to other countries.

Thank you as always to our current donors.  Be advised that any and all mistakes on spelling are likely mine.  If donors see an issue with their listed item, please feel free to chime in.

 Amy Olmsted
1. Arisaema fargesii
2. Crinum powellii album  
Ottoline Clapham                                                 
3 .Ledebouria crispa
 Ann Rametta/Mulqueen
4.Watsonia aletroides
 Bob Hoel
5.Zephyranthes grandiflora                                      
 Steven Whyman
6. Arisaema flavum                                                    
7. Arisaema candidissimum alba                                           
8. Arisaema candidissimum                                                  
9. Arisaema fargesii                                                  
10. Arisaema consanguineum      The Perfect Wave'                                     
  Fred Bisella
11. Sinningia tubiflora
hybrids    (seed grown, orange/red flowers)   
    Robert Lauf
12. Griffinia espiritensis (seedlings)                                     
13. Merwilla plumbea     (seedlings)                                       
14. Ledebouria galpinii                                            
15. Griffiniasp (poss rochae)      (seedlings) ex Telos                                     
  Fred Bisella
16. Gloxinia nematanthodes      Evita'                                 
17. Hippeastrum              SEED  Orange Varie x self                                         
  Mary Sue Ittner
18. Gloriosa superba                                                
19. Rhodohypoxis baurii 'Harlequin'                                      
20.Nerine masoniorum
21. Ornithogalumsp      Alberto Castillo provided this description when he sent the bulbs to BX 250, August 2010: "a miniature Ornithogalum species, fine foliage growing in tufts, clumping, evergreen, but definitely a winter grower. Flowers are white, minute and produced in profusion in spring. It was originally distributed as seed in an early PBS BX. Has been a charming undemanding species in full sun and gritty soil. Frost free conditions."                             
 Rimmer de Vries
22. Calostemma purpureum        (older seedlings) ex Telos           
23. Cyrtanthus labiatus  offsets bulbils BX 482 ex BX239                             
24. Drimia uniflora         ex Rennies Nek                             
25. Drimiopsis kirkii        ex BX 374 Uli Urban                                   
26. Ledebouria socialis paucifolia NNBH260      ex Nhu N                                         
27. Phaedranassa dubia
ex Ornduff 9674                                           
28.Sinningia defoliata    leaf cuttings from bulb 6.24.23                               
29. Sinninigia leucotricha                                                         
Lin Grado
30. Alstroemeria psittacina                                                  
 Steve Marak
31. Haemanthus albiflos
 Rimmer de Vries                                                         
32.Clinanthus coccineus                                            
(formerly C. veriegatus- Red)      Telos offsets (FB, per Alan Meerow)                                     
33. Clinanthus incarnatus- Apricot            Telos offsets                                   
34.Clinanthus incarnatus
- drops (from others)    Telos offsets                                   
35.Clinanthus variegatus
- Yellow            Telos offsets                                   
36. Hymenocallis leavenworthii Telos offsets                                   
37. Hymenocallis maximiliani      Telos offsets                                   
38.Ismene hawkesii     Telos offsets                                   
39. Phaedranassa glaucifolia      Telos offsets ex Harry Hay                                       
40. Phaedranassa viridiflora       Telos offsets                                   
41.Sinningia reitzii         big bulb                                           
42.Griffinia espiritensis small offsets, Telos 2014                                           
43. Sinningiaex 'Esther' Esther' OP seedling                                     
44. Sinningia hyb 'Spanish Skirts'        excellent bullata hybrid - cutting 5/23                                 
45. Sininngia hyb cardinalis x S bullata    Seedlings 12/2022 and 6/2023 - the ones that have bloomed have cardinalis flower form with orange bullata coloring and cardinalis leaves with bullata growth habit                                   
46. Sinningiahyb leuchotrichia x S piresiana        23 month old seedlings, started 5/18/22, not yet flowered                                   
47.Sinningia nivalis       ex Brazil Plants seed, started 5/20/23                                 
48. Sinningia pirescens  ex Brazil Plants seed, started 3/16/23. Separate each bunch received for best growth                             
49. Sinningia tuberosa  Brazil Plants seed started 4/18/21, enjoys warm humidity while in growth
50. Zephyranthes            Sunset Strain'                                 
 Richard Schreiber
51. Massonia pustulata                                            
 Robert Parks
52. Adenium obesum                                                 
53. Amophophallus thaiensis                                                 
54.Amorphophallus albus RP1                                             
55. Amorphophallus albus RP2                                             
56. Amorphophallus dunnii                                                   
57. Amorphophallus henryi
Life form:  tuber
(narrow leaf)                                                         
58. Amorphophallus konjac 'Swallowtail'                                                         
59. Amorphophallus konjac
Flower Colors: black
Flower Season: mid spring
Special: edible storage organ
Life form:  tuber
Beige Stem                                             
60. Amorphophallus konjac
Flower Colors: black
Flower Season: mid spring
Special: edible storage organ
Life form:  tuber
Flesh Gordon                                                         
61. Amorphophallus konjac Nightstick                                              
62. Amorphophallus konjac
Flower Colors: black
Flower Season: mid spring
Special: edible storage organ
Life form:  tuber
63. Amorphophallus konjac
Flower Colors: black
Flower Season: mid spring
Special: edible storage organ
Life form:  tuber
RP6a fine grey stem seedling                                           
64.Amorphophallus konjac
Flower Colors: black
Flower Season: mid spring
Special: edible storage organ
Life form:  tuber
RP6e dark stem        seedling                                           
65. Amorphophallus konjac
Flower Colors: black
Flower Season: mid spring
Special: edible storage organ
Life form:  tuber
RP6g fine grey, bunching        seedling                                           
66. Amorphophallus konjac Shattered GlassRP1                                           
67. Amorphophallus konjac Shattered Glass RP2                                           
68. Amorphophallus myosuroides Green Leaf                                              
69. Amorphophallus myosuroides Silver Center                                            
70. Amorphophallus ongsakulii                                            
71. Amorphophallus X Majda                                              
72. Amorphophallus yuloensis                                               
73. Amorphphallus konjac Nanus                                                         
74. Arisaema candidissimum Pink                                                      
75. Arisaema candidissimum White                                                  
76. Arisaema ciliatum                                              
77. Arisaema concinnum                                                        
78. Arisaema exappendiculatum                                                          
79. Arisaema fargesii                                                
80.Arisaema flavum
81. Arisaema flavum
82. Arisaema taiwanense                                                        
83. Begonia sutherlandii
84. Colocasia X Pharaoh's Mask                                            
85. Furcrea foetida variegata (Agave?)    inflorescence bulbs                                     
86. Gloxinia nematanthodes 'Evita'                                                  
87. Gorgonidium intermedium                                               
88. Igidia volubilis RP1                                               
89. Igidia volubilis RP2                                               
90. Impatiens flanaganae
91. Ixia X Bluebird                                                       
92. IxiaX Gemini                                                         
93. Ixia X Giant                                             
94. IxiaX Mabel                                           
95. IxiaX Rose Emperor                                             
96. IxiaX Spotlight                                                     
97. IxiaX Yellow Emperor                                                       
98.Lachenalia mutabilis
99. Lachenalia undulata
100.Maranta ruiziana                                              
101. Oxalis brasiliensis
102. Oxalis tuberosa
(cream with magenta)          Oca                                   
103. Oxalis tuberosa
(red)            Oca                                   
104. Oxalis tuberosa
(white)        Oca                                   
105. Oxalis tuberosa Amarillo      Oca                                   
106. Oxalis tuberosa Bolivian Red            Oca                                   
107. Oxalis tuberosa Rosy Gems Oca                                   
108. Oxalis tuberosa White Salmon          Oca                                   
109. Remusatia pumila                                             
110. Sauromatum giganteum                                                
111. Sauromatum horsfieldii Lancelot                                              
112. Sauromatum venosum
(pale stems)         
113. Sauromatum venosum Indian Giant
114. Sauromatum venosum
115. Sinningia tubiflora

116. Tropaeolum tuberosum
Flower Colors: orange, yellow, red
Flower Season: late summer
Special: climber, edible flowers, edible storage organ
(similar to Hoh)      Mashua
117. Tropaeolum tuberosum 'Candy Cane'            Mashua
118. Tropaeolum tuberosum 'Hoh'         Mashua                             
119. Tropaeolum tuberosum 'Puca Anyu'              Mashua                         
120. Typhonium rhizomatosum                                       
121. Ullucus tuberosus long pink              Ulluco
122. Ullucus tuberosus Moclips Ulluco                               
123. Ullucus tuberosus
wild form Ulluco 
