October 2015 Archives by date
Starting: Thu, 01 Oct 2015 06:08:12 PDT
Ending: Sat, 31 Oct 2015 13:35:32 PDT
Messages: 226
- Bessera elegans Diana Chapman
- What's going on in the bulb world... David Pilling
- Colchicum cilicicum blooming and more on new blog post Kathy Purdy
- Autumn is here! Travis O
- test message David Pilling
- ID Gladiolus Fabio Francisco Suarezmotta
- E-mails Diana Chapman
- Bessera elegans Fred Biasella
- What's going on in the bulb world... Fred Biasella
- Bessera elegans Karl Church
- What's going on in the bulb world... Jim McKenney
- Colchicum cilicicum blooming and more on new blog post Jane McGary
- Talk by PBS President in SF Bay Area Mary Sue Ittner
- More list woes David Pilling
- Autumn is here! Leo Martin
- Bessera elegans Diana Chapman
- Bessera elegans Diana Chapman
- What's going on in the bulb world... Brian Whyer
- Bessera elegans Karl Church
- What's going on in the bulb world... David Pilling
- Colchicum cilicicum blooming and more on new blog post Travis O
- Colchicum cilicicum blooming and more on new blog post Jane McGary
- Fwd: PBS website contact:Eucrosia romain amato
- pbs Digest, Vol 153, Issue 2 what's happening in the bulb world John Davies via pbs
- Please delete my name from the list Donna Wygle
- Talk by PBS President in SF Bay Area Sue Evanetz
- Fwd: PBS website contact:Eucrosia Nhu Nguyen
- Fwd: PBS website contact:Eucrosia Nhu Nguyen
- Colchicum cilicicum blooming and more on new blog post Rodger Whitlock
- Talk by PBS President in SF Bay Area Lee Poulsen
- Talk by PBS President in SF Bay Area Hansennursery (robin)
- Crocus speciosus Rodger Whitlock
- Colchicum cilicicum blooming and more on new blog post Jim McKenney
- Colchicum cilicicum blooming and more on new blog post Kathy Purdy
- Talk by PBS President in SF Bay Area Kathleen Sayce
- Colchicum cilicicum blooming and more on new blog post Jane McGary
- Talk by PBS President in SF Bay Area L. Cortopassi - G. Corazza
- Bulb images sue
- Talk by PBS President in SF Bay Area arcangelow via pbs
- Talk by PBS President in SF Bay Area Ina Crossley
- Bulb images Diane Whitehead
- Bulb images David Pilling
- Talk by PBS President in SF Bay Area - Cal Hort Soc Oct 19 Kristin Jakob
- Brunsvigia gregaria blooms and new growth, October, 2015 Ken
- Bulb images sue
- Castilleja Jim Barton
- Castilleja Giant Coreopsis
- Castilleja Jane McGary
- Colchicum cilicicum blooming and more on new blog post Paige Woodward
- Castilleja Brian Whyer
- Bulb images annamwal@interia.pl
- Bulb images David Pilling
- Fwd: PBS website contact:Eucrosia The Silent Seed
- Castilleja Jim Barton
- Castilleja Shawn Pollard via pbs
- Castilleja Boyce Tankersley
- Castilleja Dell Sherk
- Castilleja Jim Barton
- Castilleja bea
- Castilleja Jim McKenney
- Lilium martagon rebloom Jane McGary
- Lilium martagon rebloom Pendray
- Lilium martagon rebloom rrodich@juno.com
- Lilium martagon rebloom Makiko Goto-Widerman
- Lilium martagon rebloom Pendray
- Galanthus for sale Anne McNeil
- Galanthus for sale penstemon
- Galanthus for sale Anne McNeil
- Galanthus for sale penstemon
- Bulb images - internet searches youngs
- Gethyllis linearis arnold140@verizon.net
- Good time to join PBS Jane McGary
- crocosmias Vivien Bouffard
- Gethyllis linearis Rick Buell via pbs
- Gethyllis linearis Andrew Lovell via pbs
- Gethyllis linearis arnold140@verizon.net
- Gethyllis linearis arnold140@verizon.net
- crocosmias Pendray
- Gethyllis grandiflora arcangelow via pbs
- Gethyllis grandiflora arcangelow via pbs
- crocosmias Travis O
- crocosmias sutcliff2009@gmail.com
- crocosmias Mary Sue Ittner
- confirm ae120fd38098ea3ad39e84cef3c33d42ee81e6f4 Max217
- 'Lilac Wonder' and Scilla confusion... (blog post) Travis O
- NARGS Ernie DeMarie via pbs
- NARGS Pendray
- NARGS Nhu Nguyen
- NARGS Brian Whyer
- Erythrina zeyheri (Re: NARGS) Nicholas plummer
- Erythrina zeyheri (Re: NARGS) Ernie DeMarie via pbs
- NARGS Ernie DeMarie via pbs
- NARGS Ernie DeMarie via pbs
- crocosmias Vivien Bouffard
- NARGS and other organizations Vivien Bouffard
- Pacific Bulb Society BX 387 Dell Sherk
- Pacific Bulb Society BX 387 Karl Church
- Update on BX 387 Dell Sherk
- 'Lilac Wonder' and Scilla confusion... (blog post) Matt Mattus
- Non bulbs seeds Karl Church
- BX 387 CLOSED Dell Sherk
- Cal Hort Meeting Monday/Brunsvigia seeds Mary Sue Ittner
- Cal Hort Meeting Monday/Brunsvigia seeds Kipp McMichael
- SX4 Steve Marak
- Talk by PBS President in SF Bay Area jimlykos
- Eranthis hyemalis in Sonoma County S. R. Gilbert via pbs
- Eranthis hyemalis in Sonoma County Jane McGary
- Talk by PBS President in SF Bay Area Sue Evanetz
- SX4 David Pilling
- Eranthis hyemalis in Sonoma County Rodger Whitlock
- SX4 Travis O
- Eranthis hyemalis in Sonoma County Paul
- Eranthis hyemalis in Sonoma County From HK
- Bulbs for troughs Travis O
- Eranthis hyemalis in Sonoma County Paul
- Bulbs for troughs Beverly Lipski via pbs
- Bulbs for troughs Michael Mace
- Bulbs for troughs Jane McGary
- Anderson deep propagation flats; was Re: Bulbs for troughs Jim McKenney
- Anderson deep propagation flats; was Re: Bulbs for troughs Nhu Nguyen
- Anderson deep propagation flats; penstemon
- WAS Anderson deep propagation flats; Now lowering the water table in pots Rimmer deVries
- Lowering the water table in pots; was Anderson deep propagation flats Rimmer deVries
- WAS Anderson deep propagation flats; Now lowering the water table in pots Lesley Richardson
- Lowering the water table in pots; was Anderson deep propagation flats penstemon
- WAS Anderson deep propagation flats; Now lowering the water table in pots Robin Graham Bell
- Bulbs for troughs Dell Sherk
- WAS Anderson deep propagation flats; Now lowering the water table in pots Michael Homick
- Lowering the water table in pots; was Anderson deep propagation flats Rimmer deVries
- Anderson deep propagation flats; was Re: Bulbs for troughs Pamela Harlow
- WAS Anderson deep propagation flats; Now lowering the water table in pots Rimmer deVries
- WAS Anderson deep propagation flats; Now lowering the water table in pots Rimmer deVries
- Lowering the water table in pots; was Anderson deep propagation flats penstemon
- WAS Anderson deep propagation flats; Now lowering the water table in pots Tim Eck
- was Lowering the water table in pots; now onco seedlings Rimmer deVries
- was Lowering the water table in pots; now onco seedlings penstemon
- pbs Digest, Vol 153, Issue 14 re bulbs for troughs Carol Ann Ballard
- was Lowering the water table in pots; now onco seedlings Rimmer deVries
- Insulation Leo Martin
- pbs Digest, Vol 153, Issue 14 re bulbs for troughs Leo Martin
- was Lowering the water table in pots; now onco seedlings penstemon
- Pumice Diana Chapman
- Bulb food From HK
- Bulb food Hans Huizing
- Styro box troughs, was Bulbs for troughs Kathleen Sayce
- WAS Anderson deep propagation flats; Now lowering the water table in pots Jane McGary
- Iris paradoxa habitat, was Onco seedlings Jane McGary
- Pumice penstemon
- Bulb food Jane McGary
- WAS Anderson deep propagation flats; Now lowering the water table in pots penstemon
- Pumice Leo Martin
- Iris paradoxa habitat, was Onco seedlings penstemon
- pumice Ina Crossley
- Bulb food Rodger Whitlock
- Pumice Sarah Hinckley
- Lowering the water table in pots; was Anderson deep propagation flats Peter Taggart
- Pumice penstemon
- Pumice Jane McGary
- was onco seedlings; now how to screen Anderson bands Nhu Nguyen
- was onco seedlings; now how to screen Anderson bands penstemon
- Pacific Bulb Society BX 388 Dell Sherk
- TULIPA 'HONKY TONK' Sylvia Sykora
- TULIPA 'HONKY TONK' John Ralph Carpenter via pbs
- Very basic lachenalia questions (Rick Buell) Rick Buell via pbs
- Very basic lachenalia questions (Rick Buell) arnold140@verizon.net
- Very basic lachenalia questions (Rick Buell) Fred Biasella
- Very basic lachenalia questions (Rick Buell) Rick Buell via pbs
- Very basic lachenalia questions (Rick Buell) Rick Buell via pbs
- Very basic lachenalia questions (Rick Buell) Fred Biasella
- Very basic lachenalia questions (Rick Buell) Dell Sherk
- Very basic Lachenalia questions Ina Crossley
- Bulb food Ina Crossley
- Bulb food Makiko Goto-Widerman
- Very basic lachenalia questions (Rick Buell) Rick Buell via pbs
- Very basic lachenalia questions (Rick Buell) Kenneth
- Very basic lachenalia questions (Rick Buell) Ernie DeMarie via pbs
- Some Boophone foliage today Ken
- Pacific BX 388 CLOSED Dell Sherk
- A few seedling photos Travis O
- Seeking photos of PNW natives for new edition of Kruckeberg book Travis O
- Pamianthe peruviana seeds per Rick Buell Ina Crossley
- Seeking photos of PNW natives for new edition of Kruckeberg book Travis O
- Pamianthe peruviana seeds per Rick Buell Cynthia Mueller
- Some Boophone foliage today Travis O
- tree bands and screen penstemon
- Pamianthe peruviana seeds per Rick Buell Karl Church
- Pamianthe peruviana seeds per Rick Buell Jim McKenney
- Pamianthe peruviana seeds Rimmer deVries
- Pamianthe peruviana seeds per Rick Buell Jim McKenney
- Pamianthe peruviana seeds per Rick Buell Jim Barton
- Pamianthe peruviana seeds Rick Buell via pbs
- Pamianthe peruviana seeds Rick Buell via pbs
- KRUCKEBERG PROJECT- Correction and update Sami Gray
- Some Boophone foliage today Ken
- Pamianthe peruviana seeds romain amato
- Pamianthe peruviana seed Ina Crossley
- Pamianthe peruviana seeds Rick Buell via pbs
- Pamianthe peruviana seeds Nicholas plummer
- Pamianthe peruviana seed Cynthia Mueller
- Pamianthe peruviana seeds Cynthia Mueller
- Pamianthe peruviana seeds Nicholas plummer
- Help needed Barbara
- Help needed Mark Mazer
- Pamianthe peruviana seeds Cynthia Mueller
- Help needed Barbara
- Pamianthe peruviana seeds Nicholas plummer
- Help needed Bracey Tiede
- Help needed Barbara
- Pacific Bulb Society BX 389 Dell Sherk
- Pacific Bulb Society BX 389 Anders Bo Petersen
- Pacific BX 389 CLOSED Dell Sherk
- Fwd: Re: Fritillaria query Jane McGary
- Pacific BX 389 CLOSED Mark Mazer
- Pacific BX 389 CLOSED Dell Sherk
- Pacific BX 389 CLOSED Kipp McMichael
- Fwd: Re: Fritillaria query mark akimoff
- SX/BX Mary Sue Ittner
- SX/BX Steve Marak
- SX/BX Steven Hart
- New issue of IRG youngs
- request for contribution of bulbs/seeds to a research project. David Pilling
- Above-ground bulbs. Light during dormancy? Nicholas plummer
- Above-ground bulbs. Light during dormancy? pelarg@aol.com
- SX/BX Steve Marak
- SX/BX Travis O
- SX/BX Cynthia Mueller
Last message date:Sat, 31 Oct 2015 13:35:32 PDT
Archived on: Sat, 06 Jan 2024 10:38:22 PST