PBS Forum

Geophyte discussions => Bulb and Seed Exchanges => Topic started by: Martin Bohnet on March 23, 2023, 01:14:54 PM

Title: [Ordering phase closed] EX06 European Bulb&seed exchange, first spring distribution
Post by: Martin Bohnet on March 23, 2023, 01:14:54 PM
Dear Members living in the EU

The first round of the spring 2023 bulb and seed exchange (BX/SX) is now open for orders. As usual we have a time window over the weekend, ordering phase closes on Sunday, March 26th at 24:00h Central European Time. The closure will be announced on list and forum. Orders received within this period will be dealt with at random, so that everybody will have the same chance to get the rare and sought after items.

Please read the entire instructions carefully and please note, the the US Bulb and Seed exchanges have different dates but continue otherwise unchanged.
The donation phase for the EU exchange remains open as there will be a second round scheduled for April, details will be announced through the same channels

Please remember, that only fully paid members can order from this exchange. If you are not sure about your membership status or if you are tempted to join now, please get in touch with our treasurer Arnold Trachtenberg ( arnold140@verizon.net (mailto:arnold140@verizon.net) ). You do not need to be a donor to be entitled to order from this list but maybe you will become a donor in the future? The number of items you can order is not limited, you are allocated one portion of each ordered item but please refrain from asking "one of each" from this list.
As Brexit is now real and all grace periods are over, we sadly can not accept any orders from the UK.
PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS LIST OR THE FORUM WHEN ORDERING BUT SEND A NEW EMAIL OR FORUM PM TO MARTIN BOHNET IN GERMANY: ( garak@code-garak.de (mailto:garak@code-garak.de) ) He is the director of the EU Seed and Bulb Exchange. Your order cannot be dealt with if you send it to the list by using the reply button.

And please do not forget to let Martin have your postal address.

Pricing and Payment

Seeds are 2 US$ per portion, bulbs cost 3 US$. Very big or very rare bulbs may be more expensive. Left over seed from previous exchanges (numbers EX04_??? and EX05_???) are offered at a reduced price of 1US$. Postage is added to your order at cost. Please wait with your payment until you received your order, it will contain a payment slip with the sum due in US-Dollars. If you are a donor your credit will be deducted.

Payment for the EU BX can only be made in US Dollars and only through PayPal. As PayPal has changed the conditions for foreign payments, you MUST go though the Pay-Pal payment form on the PBS website. Please go to the bottom of the Bulb Exchange page and fill in the payment form at https://www.pacificbulbsociety.org/pbsforum/index.php?page=BXpay (https://www.pacificbulbsociety.org/pbsforum/index.php?page=BXpay) It is a tremendous help for our treasurer if you do not forget to put in the BX-Number and your name. Please wait with payment until you have received your order.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with Uli if you have questions ( johannes-ulrich-urban@t-online.de (mailto:johannes-ulrich-urban@t-online.de) )

Here's our List:

From Martin Bohnet:
EX06_001 Bletilla ochracea
Height: 20-30 cm (0.7-1 ft)
Flower Colors: yellow, white
Life form:  corm

EX06_002 Cyperus esculentus
Height: 45-60 cm (1.5-2 ft)
Flower Colors: green
Special: edible storage organ
,giant from Ghana'
EX06_003 Gladiolus dalenii
Flower Colors: red, yellow, green, patterned
Climate: summer rain climate
EX06_004 Gladiolus ,,David Hills" (papillio-based red)
EX06_005 Oxalis magnifica

EX06_006 Ennealophus euryandrus

From Peter Dinges:
EX06_007 Codonopsis pilosula

EX06_008 Commelina tuberosa

EX06_009 Lilium hybrid robust solid orange form
EX06_010 Mirabilis longiflora
Flower Colors: white
Life form:  thick roots

EX06_011 Mirabilis longiflora
Flower Colors: white
Life form:  thick roots
large specimen 6$

EX06_012 Agapanthus spec.,light blue / whitish
EX06_013 Albuca abyssinica

EX06_014 Albuca humilis

EX06_015 Albuca setosa
Flower Colors: white, green, brown, yellow
Life form:  bulb

EX06_016 Albuca tenuifolia
EX06_017 Allium cernuum
Flower Colors: pink, white
Flower Season: early summer to mid summer

EX06_018 Allium cyathophorum
var. farrerii
EX06_019 Allium goodingii
EX06_020 Anthericum ramosum

EX06_021 Dietes iridioides

EX06_022 Dipcadi serotinum

EX06_023 Ornithogalum balansae

EX06_024 Ornithogalum saundersii
EX06_025 Tulbaghia maritima
EX06_026 Zephyranthes primulina

From Carlos Jiménez (all seeds)
EX06_027Allium acutiflorum
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: pink
Flower Season: late spring to early summer
(ex Antibes)
EX06_028 Allium christophii
EX06_029 Allium incensiodorum

EX06_030 Anemone drummondii
EX06_031 Asphodelus aestivus

EX06_032 Asphodelus serotinus
EX06_033 Iris x pacifica cultivar mix
EX06_034 Lathyrus spec. Russia
EX06_035 Narcissus grandae, fully fertile (cantabricus x bulbocodium)
EX06_036 Tulipa clusiana

EX06_037 Tulipa kaufmanniana
cv ,Gracija'

From Hans Joschko (seed):
EX06_038 Primulina tamiana (ex Brazil Plants)

From Cathy Osselton (seed):
EX06_039 Lilium pumilum

From Thorben Schneider(seeds):
EX06_040 Cyclamen cypricum
EX06_041 Cyclamen persicum
EX06_042 Cyclamen rohlfsianum

EX06_043 Tropaeolum hookerianum

From Uli Urban:
EX06_044 Oxalis triangularis

EX06_045 Albuca nelsonii
Flower Colors: white, green
Life form:  bulb

EX06_046 Albuca pulchra

EX06_047 Arisaema flava
EX06_048 Canna paniculata
EX06_049 Clivia nobilis

EX06_050 Cyrtanthus montanus

EX06_051 Dahlia excelsa
EX06_052 Dietes grandiflora

EX06_053 Gladiolus dalenii
Flower Colors: red, yellow, green, patterned
Climate: summer rain climate
salmon pink
EX06_054 Hippeastrum evansiae

EX06_055 Lilium chalcedonicum
older seed!
EX06_056 Lilium Hybr. 'White Triumphator' open pollinated
EX06_057 Lilium philippinense

EX06_058 Lilium pumilum

EX06_059 Neomaricaspec. 1,5, beige and blue
EX06_060 Phalocallis coelestis syn Cypella gigantea

From Aart van Voorst (seed):
EX06_061 Clivia caulescens
(high flower count)
EX06_062 Clivia gardenii
dwarf type
EX06_063 Clivia gardenii x robusta selfed, green flower tips
EX06_064 Clivia (gardenii x robusta) x robusta Maxima green fl. tips
EX06_065 Clivia miniata x cyrthanthiflora selfed → compact
EX06_066 Clivia nobilis x miniata selfed → compact plant
EX06_067 Clivia robusta
,Maxima' (Fred van Niekerk)

Last but not least, the catalogue from Château Pérouse courtesy of Jan-Willem Vos - all seed with some delay as they will only send me what has been ordered:

EX06_068 Albuca aurea
Flower Colors: yellow, green

EX06_069 Albuca setosa
Flower Colors: white, green, brown, yellow
Life form:  bulb

EX06_070 Albuca spiralis

EX06_071 Allium acutiflorum
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: pink
Flower Season: late spring to early summer

EX06_072 Allium carinatum ssp pulchellum
EX06_073 Allium eriocoleum
EX06_074 Allium saxatile

EX06_075 Allium schoenoprasum

EX06_076 Allium tuberosum
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: white
Flower Season: mid summer to late summer
Special: edible leaves

EX06_077 Babiana angustifolia

EX06_078 Babiana cuneata

EX06_079 Babiana dregei

EX06_080 Babiana ecklonii

EX06_081 Babiana fourcadei
EX06_082 Babiana fragrans

EX06_083 Babiana framesii

EX06_084 Babiana inclinata

EX06_085 Babiana karooica

EX06_086 Babiana leipoldtii

EX06_087 Babiana lineolata
ex porterville
EX06_088 Babiana lineolata
ex cedarberg
EX06_089 Babiana melanops

EX06_090 Babiana mucronata
ssp minor
EX06_091 Babiana mucronata
ssp mucronata
EX06_092 Babiana nervosa
EX06_093 Babiana noctiflora

EX06_094 Babiana praemorsa

EX06_095 Babiana pygmaea

EX06_096 Babiana rubrocyanea

EX06_097 Babiana sambucina

EX06_098 Babiana scariosa

EX06_099 Babiana spathacea

EX06_100 Babiana tubiflora

EX06_101 Babiana tubulosa

EX06_102 Babiana vanzijliae

EX06_103 Babiana villosula
ex Stellebosch
EX06_104 Babiana villosula
ex Brackenfell
EX06_105 Bellevalia dubia

EX06_106 Bellevalia longistyla

EX06_107 Bellevalia romana

EX06_108 Brimeura amethystina

EX06_109 Brodiaea californica

EX06_110 Brodiaea elegans

EX06_111 Chasmanthe aethiopica

EX06_112 Chasmanthe bicolor

EX06_113 Colchicum szovitsii

EX06_114 Cordyline petiolaris
EX06_115 Crocus goulimyi

EX06_116 Crocus robertianus

EX06_117 Dipcadi serotinum
var fulvum
EX06_118 Freesia caryophyllacea

EX06_119 Freesia fucata

EX06_120 Freesia laxa

EX06_121 Freesia leichtlinii
ssp alba
EX06_122 Freesia viridis

EX06_123 Fritillaria persica

EX06_124 Gladiolus abbreviatus
Flower Colors: red
Climate: winter rain climate

EX06_125 Gladiolus arcuatus
Flower Colors: pink, purple
Climate: winter rain climate

EX06_126 Gladiolus communis
Height: 45-60 cm (1.5-2 ft)
Flower Colors: purple

EX06_127 Gladiolus floribundus
Flower Colors: white, pink
Climate: winter rain climate

EX06_128 Gladiolus illyricus
Flower Colors: purple

EX06_129 Gladiolus italicus
Flower Colors: purple, white

EX06_130 Gladiolus longicollis
Flower Colors: white, yellow
Life form:  corm
Climate: summer rain climate

EX06_131 Gladiolus miniatus
Flower Colors: pink, orange
Climate: winter rain climate

EX06_132 Gladiolus splendens
Flower Colors: red
Climate: winter rain climate

EX06_133 Gladiolus tristis
Height: 45-80 cm (1.5-2.6 ft)
Flower Colors: white, yellow
Flower Season: early spring to mid spring
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate, USDA Zone 8-9

EX06_134 Gladiolus undulatus
Flower Colors: white, pink
Climate: winter rain climate

EX06_135 Gladiolus venustus
Flower Colors: pink, purple, yellow
Climate: winter rain climate

EX06_136 Habranthus martinezii

EX06_137 Hesperantha bachmannii

EX06_138 Hyacinthoides hispanica

EX06_139 Hyacinthoides non-scripta

EX06_140 Hyacinthoides reverchonii

EX06_141 Iris spuria

EX06_142 Ixia contorta

EX06_143 Ixia ramulosa

EX06_144 Ixia thomasiae

EX06_145 Ixia trifolia

EX06_146 Lachenalia algoensis

EX06_147 Lachenalia arbuthnotiae

EX06_148 Lachenalia attenuata

EX06_149 Lachenalia bachmannii

EX06_150 Lachenalia calcicola
EX06_151 Lachenalia carnosa

EX06_152 Lachenalia comptonii

EX06_153 Lachenalia congesta

EX06_154 Lachenalia contaminata

EX06_155 Lachenalia ensifolia

EX06_156 Lachenalia flava

EX06_157 Lachenalia haarlemensis

EX06_158 Lachenalia judithiae
EX06_159 Lachenalia kliprandensis

EX06_160 Lachenalia liliiflora
EX06_161 Lachenalia marginata
ssp neglecta
EX06_162 Lachenalia mathewsii

EX06_163 Lachenalia multifolia

EX06_164 Lachenalia orthopetala

EX06_165 Lachenalia pallida

EX06_166 Lachenalia pygmaea

EX06_167 Lachenalia rosea

EX06_168 Lachenalia schlechteri
EX06_169 Lachenalia splendida

EX06_170 Lachenalia stayneri
EX06_171 Lachenalia summerfieldii

EX06_172 Lachenalia thomasiae

EX06_173 Lachenalia trichophylla

EX06_174 Lachenalia unifolia

EX06_175 Lachenalia ventricosa

EX06_176 Lachenalia whitehillensis

EX06_177 Lachenalia zeyheri

EX06_178 Lapeirousia divaricata

EX06_179 Lapeirousia montana

EX06_180 Leopoldia caucasica
EX06_181 Leopoldia spreitzenhoferi
EX06_182 Leopoldia weissii
EX06_183 Massonia hirsuta

EX06_184 Massonia pygmaea

EX06_185 Massonia sempervirens

EX06_186 Moraea bipartita

EX06_187 Moraea britteniae

EX06_188 Moraea collina

EX06_189 Moraea comptonii

EX06_190 Moraea flaccida

EX06_191 Moraea longifolia

EX06_192 Moraea miniata

EX06_193 Moraea pendula

EX06_194 Moraea polystachya

EX06_195 Moraea setifolia

EX06_196 Moraea sisyrinchium

EX06_197 Moraea vegeta

EX06_198 Muscari macrocarpum

EX06_199 Narcissus bulbocodium
ssp obesus
EX06_200 Narcissus dubius

EX06_201 Narcissus flavus
EX06_202 Ornithogalum dictaeum
EX06_203 Ornithogalum montanum

EX06_204 Phalocallis coelestis
EX06_205 Pseudomuscari inconstrictum

EX06_206 Romulea albiflora

EX06_207 Romulea bulbocodium
var crocea
EX06_208 Romulea clusiana

EX06_209 Romulea cruciata
var intermedia
EX06_210 Romulea diversiformis

EX06_211 Romulea engleri

EX06_212 Romulea flava

EX06_213 Romulea gigantea

EX06_214 Romulea leipoldtii

EX06_215 Romulea longipes

EX06_216 Romulea multisulcata

EX06_217 Romulea pratensis

EX06_218 Romulea rosea
var australis
EX06_219 Romulea rosea
var rosea
EX06_220 Romulea tabularis

EX06_221 Romulea tetragona

EX06_222 Romulea tetragona
var flavandra
EX06_223 Scilla peruviana

EX06_224 Sisyrinchium californicum

EX06_225 Sisyrinchium striatum

EX06_226 Sisyrinchium tinctorium
EX06_227 Sparaxis bulbifera

EX06_228 Sparaxis elegans

EX06_229 Sparaxis fragrans

EX06_230 Sparaxis grandiflora
ssp violacea
EX06_231 Sparaxis parviflora

EX06_232 Sparaxis pillansii

EX06_233 Tritonia deusta

EX06_234 Tulbaghia violacea

EX06_235 Tulipa sprengeri

EX06_236 Tulipa tschimganica

Leftovers from EX05, all seed @1$/Package:
EX05_016 Alstroemeria ligtu

EX05_018 Cypella herbertii
Flower Colors: orange, yellow
Flower Season: mid summer to late summer

EX05_021 Moraea ochroleuca
EX05_022 Muscari comosa syn Leopoldia comosa
EX05_023 Scilla peruviana
pale blue
EX05_024 Brodiaea californica

EX05_028 Dichelostemma capitatum

EX05_029 Dichelostemma congestum

EX05_030 Dichelostemma ida-maia

EX05_031 Dichelostemma multiflorum

EX05_051 Paradisea lusitanica

EX05_052 Tulipa carinata 'Holland' OP
EX05_053 Tulipa clusiana
'Cynthia' OP
EX05_054 Tulipa tarda
dasystemon OP
EX05_055 Tulipa tarda
EX05_056 Tulipa tschimganica 'Spanish Flag' OP
EX05_057 Tulipa tschimganica yellow/red OP
EX05_058 Albuca shawii
Flower Colors: yellow

EX05_129 Albuca fragrans
EX05_130 Albuca spiralis
EX05_133 Asparagus spec. South Africa, ex John Lavranos
EX05_134 Babiana odorata
EX05_135 Dichelostemma ida-maiae
EX05_136 Dietes grandiflora

EX05_137 Ferraria divaricata
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: yellow, green
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate
var areneosa
EX05_138 Freesia caryophyllaceae, Mc Master
EX05_144 Hesperantha bachmannii

EX05_145 Hesperantha cucullata

EX05_146 Hippeastrum evansieae
EX05_147 Hippeastrum X Johnsonii
EX05_148 Hippeastrum papilio

EX05_150 Iris planifolia
, Algarve
EX05_154 Lachenalia bulbifera

EX05_155 Lachenalia/Polyxena multifolia, Silverhill
EX05_156 Lachenalia namaquensis

EX05_157 Lachenalia quadricolor
McMaster, the best form
EX05_158 Lachenalia Hybr. 'Ronina' open pollinated
EX05_159 Lachenalia salteri

EX05_160 Manfreda maculosa
EX05_162 Narcissus bulbocodium
, early form
EX05_163 Narcissus bulbocodium
, large flowers
EX05_164 Narcissus cantabricus

EX05_166 Ornithogalum ceresianum

EX05_168 Orthosanthus chimboracensis
EX05_169 Ranunculus asiaticus
, red Oron Peri
EX05_170 Romulea clusiana
, Gibraltar form, Oron Peri
EX05_171 Scilla peruviana
, dark blue
EX05_174 Sparaxis tricolor
, Silverhill
EX05_175 Triteleia peduncularis
EX05_176 Triteleia ixioides
EX05_327 Leopoldia caucasica
EX05_328 Leopoldia cycladica ssp subsessilis
EX05_329 Leopoldia spreitzenhoferi
EX05_332 Massonia pygmaea

EX05_333 Massonia sempervirens

EX05_397 Herbertia lahue

EX05_398 Ixia maculata

EX05_399 Lapeirousia divaricata
white and pink stripes
EX05_401 Bulbine mesembryanthoides var mesembryanthoides
EX05_404 Drimia uniflora
EX05_409 Tulbaghia acutiloba
(Hybrid with T. violacea alba?)
EX05_410 Tulbaghia violacea alba (Hybrid with T. acutiloba?)
EX05_411 Tulipa tarda

EX05_415 Iris forrestii
EX05_417 Iris versicolor
EX05_419 Iris domestica
EX05_421 Iris spuria

EX05_431 Calochortus luteus
Flower Colors: yellow
Flower Season: late spring
Climate: winter rain climate

EX05_432 Calochortus pulchellus

EX05_434 Calochortus venustus

EX05_440 Acis valentina
Flower Colors: white
Flower Season: early autumn
Life form:  bulb

EX05_459 Paeonia broteri
EX05_463 Prospero obtusifolia
EX05_464 Pulsatilla alpina ex Andorra
EX05_473 Acis autumnalis
Height: 10-20 cm (3.9-7.9 inch)
Flower Colors: white, pink
Flower Season: early autumn
Life form:  bulb

EX05_475 Habranthus tubispathus

EX05_476 Romulea rosea
f. australis
EX05_477 Zephyranthes minima

EX05_478 Zephyranthes  "Twinkle"

Leftovers from EX04 all seeds @1$/packet:
EX04_002 Drimia uniflora
DMC 13646 W. of Ladismith
EX04_006 Zephyranthes grandiflora

EX04_012 Asclepias tuberosa
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: orange, yellow
Flower Season: early summer to mid summer
Life form:  tuber
Climate: USDA Zone 6-8

EX04_016 Tigridia pavonia
Height: 45-80 cm (1.5-2.6 ft)
Flower Colors: white, red, yellow, pink, orange, patterned
Special: edible storage organ
Life form: deciduous bulb
Climate: USDA Zone 8-9
orange seed parent
EX04_018 Agapanthus inapertus
Height: 120-150 cm (3.9-4.9 ft)
Flower Colors: blue
Climate: summer rain climate
EX04_019 Albuca humilis

EX04_020 Allium cyaneum
Flower Colors: blue
, originally received as A. beesianum
EX04_024 Eucomis autumnalis

EX04_025 Freesia laxa
, salmon with red dots
EX04_026 Lophospermum erubescens 'Alba'
EX04_027 Maurandya wislizeni 'Red Dragon'
EX04_028 Ornithogalum candicans
(Syn. Galtonia c.)
EX04_029 Atropa belladonna
EX04_030 Ceratotheca triloba
EX04_031 Dioscorea communis
EX04_032 Ennealophus fimbriatus

EX04_036 Ipomoea purpurea
EX04_040 Leonurus cardica
EX04_043 Staphylea trifolia
EX04_045 Tulbaghia violacea
var macmasterii
EX04_068 Albuca pulchra

EX04_070 Arisaema consanguineum

EX04_071 Phalocallis coelestis syn. Cypella gigantea
EX04_072 Dahlia excelsa, ID not 100% definite
EX04_073 Dahlia rosea, white
EX04_074 Datura wrightii
EX04_075 Lilium White Triumphator
EX04_078 Zantedeschia albomaculata
Flower Colors: white
Special: attractive foliage
Life form:  tuber

EX04_079 Zantedeschia jucunda
Flower Colors: yellow
Special: attractive foliage
Life form:  tuber

EX04_085 Chlorophytum bowkeri

EX04_087 Laxmannia gracilis
EX04_088 Laxmannia squarrosa
EX04_089 Lomandra leucocephala ssp robusta
EX04_090 Lomandra spicata
EX04_094 Phalocallis coelestis
EX04_101 Massonia pustulata
(De Hoop) x self

Happy browsing and don't forget: Donations are stil welcome for the second spring distribution!

Uli & Martin
Title: Re: EU EX 06, Comments on my donation
Post by: Uli on March 23, 2023, 02:07:40 PM
Dear All,
Here are some comments on my donation for the EU spring seed exchange:
Albuca pulchra: a tall summer growing and winter dormant species with greenish yellow Eremurus like flowers. Each flower has a long protruding green  bract, in bud the inflorescence looks like a long green paintbrush which wants to be stroked all the time.... The mature bulbs are very big, about the size of a grapefruit and take several years to get there from seed. Winter dormancy must be dry and frost free, best in full sun in a very large and heavy pot to prevent falling over. Albuca pulchra does not seem to be in cultivation. It is one of my favourite bulbs and I am very grateful to Monica Swartz who sent me these seeds some time ago together with other treasures. Seed set is abundant and germination straightforward at this time of the year.

Albuca nelsonii is a different story: It is an evergreen bulb and the white fragrant flowers form a tall scape well above the leaves. It makes a beautiful pot plant and can become quite big with many inflorescences. For frost free climates this is an excellent ground cover plant for dryish shade, but give it enough headroom for the flowers. It will tolerate full sun as a pot plant in northern gardens but is happier in dappled shade, especially in the south. Seed germinates easily and the young plants grow fast. They benefit from regular fertilizing. A good beginner's plant.

Clivia nobilis: very fresh seed, the fruits were harvested from the plant to be packed for Martin. Sow immediately, remove the red skin before sowing. Hanging orange flowers.

Cyrtanthus montanus and Hippeastrum evansiae. Seed of both species is from summer 2022. I have sown some seed for myself and got near 100% germination with the water floatation method. This means that the seed is placed on the surface of ordinary tap water in a suitable container. It will float until a rootlet or even a leaflet will appear. Keep the recipient with the floating seed warm and give filtered light. Watch for mildew or rot. Sinking seed is normally not viable. Once a rootlet appears plant into suitable seedling compost. Personally I do not wait for a leaflet to form in water but this will happen. But then it needs planting immediately because otherwise the reserves of the seed will be used up entirely as the water does not contain any nutrients.

Dahlia excelsa: Those of you who want to try this spectacular Dahlia ned to know that it is winter growing and winter flowering, it belongs to the so called tree Dahlias. It is less suitable for a frosty climate. Normally the first frost will destroy the top growth before it flowers. But it will still make a beautiful foliage plant and the massive tuber will survive a not too cold winter in a sheltered place in the garden with a very thick mulch which should be removed in spring. Slugs and snails may devour the upcoming new shoots. The plant has no dormant period and the tuber should not be stored dry like ordinary garden Dahlias. Dahlia excelsa and its similar looking sibling D. imperialis come from moist and temperate Mexican montane forests. In the right setting, protected from strong winds both are spectacular specimen, flowering around Christmas. The seed germinates best in COOL conditions and not in a propagator. The seed is very fresh and should give excellent results.

Phalocallis coelestis: not often enough seen.... An easy plant about 1m tall in flower with pleated leaves. No dormant period, so it wants to be kept moist year round. Very attractive plant for a large pot, it will produce its large Tigridia like blue flowers for a long time in summer. The individual flower is short lived but there will be new ones. Easy and straightforward from seed, may not flower the first year but for sure the next one from seed. Never let it dry out.

Oxalis triangularis: These funny looking rhizomes will produce dark purple leaves and pinkish white flowers in summer. It has a short winter dormancy. Unfortunately I forgot these rhizomes in a corner before posting them to Martin, so they went a little soft. I recommend soaking them in lukewarm water overnight (but not longer than that) before planting. In full sun the leaves are very dark. It is an attractive pot plant in its own right but also a good soil cover in large containers, that is how I use it. It is not invasive but in my former German garden I noticed that it can survive outdoors in the open garden, not reliably enough to be considered hardy.

Happy growing!
Title: EU Seed and Bulb Exchange
Post by: Uli on March 26, 2023, 10:47:04 AM
Dear members living in the EU,
The first round of the Pacific Bulb Society EU spring exchange will be closing in a few hours, tonight at 24:00 Central European Time.
The donation time window remains open until further notice, there will be a second round in April, you will be notified through the same channels.
Bye for now
Title: Re: [Ordering phase closed] EX06 European Bulb&seed exchange, first spring distribution
Post by: Martin Bohnet on March 26, 2023, 03:24:43 PM
The ordering phase has closed, I'll keep you informed on the status.
Title: Re: [Ordering phase closed] EX06 European Bulb&seed exchange, first spring distribution
Post by: Martin Bohnet on April 01, 2023, 01:00:54 AM
It was a tough week, real life wise, but now everything's on the way - I know a few packages have already arrived, everything else is in the hand of the almighty DHL.

Please drop me a line on arrival.

And don't forget: Donations for the second spring distribution are still welcome!