[Open for donations] EU-Exchange (EX05) -first set in packing

Started by Uli, August 12, 2022, 04:49:31 PM

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Dear Members living in the EU
The donation time window for the autumn seed and bulb exchange is now open until further notice. Please read this notice carefully.

Please send your donation to                              Martin Bohnet,
                                                        Ludwigstr. 1
                                                        73035 Göppingen

Please remember that bulbs should be clean and healthy and seed free of chaff and debris.
As in previous exchanges we ask you to pre-pack 5 portions of seed on a voluntary basis, the portions should contain enough seed for a good potful of seedlings, at least 5 seeds with rare plants and less with super rare ones. Seed envelopes are available free of charge from Martin: (garak@code-garak.de) If there is a lot more seed available than 5 packets, you can include a larger packet for Martin to do extra portions if requested. Pre packing seed is a tremendous help for Martin. Bulbs should be sent in one bag per species and not pre-packed.

Please label each species of seed/bulb with the botanical name and your own name.

Every  donor will be refunded the postage for the donation, please send a copy of your receipt to Martin.
We will do two consecutive exchanges this autumn, the time window for donations will remain open for some time. Please do not get stressed with seed which is not ripe by now, or with bulbs still growing, they will be for the next spring exchange.
This notice will appear in the PBS Forum, in the old email list and all EU members will receive it as a private email.

We have received some correspondence concerning this coming BX, it looks as if it will be a very good one. This might be a reason for non members to consider joining the PBS, as only fully paid members with a postal address in the EU will be entitled to order.
Once Martin has compiled the new BX list it will go online through the same channels.

Thank you all very much in advance!
Please do not hesitate to contact me in case of questions or difficulties. (johannes-ulrich-urban@t-online.de)

Uli and Martin
Algarve, Portugal
350m elevation, frost free
Mediterranean Climate

Martin Bohnet

Dear Members in the EU.

The September EU 2022 bulb and seed exchange (BX) is now open for orders, as usual we have a time window over the weekend, ordering phase closes on Monday September 5th at 24:00h Central European Time. The closure will be announced on list and forum. Orders received within this period will be dealt with at random, so that everybody will have the same chance to get the rare and sought after items.

Please read the entire instructions carefully and please note, the the US Bulb and Seed exchanges have different dates but continue otherwise unchanged.
Please, do not worry if you would still have seed or bulbs to donate for this autumn exchange, there will be a second round of the EU BX which will be announced in due course. The donation period  remains open until further notice.

Please remember, that only fully paid members can order from this exchange. If you are not sure about your membership status or if you are tempted to join now, please get in touch with our treasurer Arnold Trachtenberg ( arnold140@verizon.net ). You do not need to be a donor to be entitled to order from this list but maybe you will become a donor in the future? The number of items you can order is not limited, you are allocated one portion of each ordered item but please refrain from asking "one of each" from this extensive list.
As Brexit is now real and all grace periods are over, we sadly can not accept any orders from the UK.
PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS LIST OR THE FORUM WHEN ORDERING BUT SEND A NEW EMAIL or Forum PM TO MARTIN BOHNET IN GERMANY: ( garak@code-garak.de ) He is the director of the EU Seed and Bulb Exchange. Your order cannot be dealt with if you send it to the list by using the reply button.

And please do not forget to let Martin have your postal address.

Pricing and Payment

Seeds are 2 US$ per portion, bulbs cost 3 US$. Very big or very rare bulbs may be more expensive. Left over seed from previous exchanges (numbers EX04_??? and EX03_??? ) are offered at a reduced price of 1US$. Postage is added to your order at cost. Please wait with your payment until you received your order, it will contain a payment slip with the sum due in US-Dollars. If you are a donor your credit will be deducted.

Payment for the EU BX can only be made in US Dollars and only through PayPal. As PayPal has changed the conditions for foreign payments, you MUST go though the Pay-Pal payment form on the PBS website. Please go to the bottom of the Bulb Exchange page and fill in the payment form at https://www.pacificbulbsociety.org/pbsforum/index.php?page=BXpay It is a tremendous help for our treasurer if you do not forget to put in the BX-Number and your name. Please wait with payment until your order is checked for availability after the ordering phase.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with Uli if you have questions ( johannes-ulrich-urban@t-online.de )

Here's our List:

From Wim Boens (all bulbs)
EX05_001 Arum pictum

EX05_002 Crocus laevigatus
EX05_003 Crocus laevigatus
EX05_004 Crocus pumilus ex Mt. Vouvala
EX05_005 Crocus pumilus SBL348
EX05_006 Crocus suaveolens TCH1603
EX05_007 Pterostylis curta
Height: 10-20 cm (3.9-7.9 inch)
Flower Colors: white, green
Flower Season: mid spring
Life form:  corm

EX05_008 Scilla peruviana
f. elegans
EX05_009 Tecophilaea cyanocrocus

EX05_010 Tecophilaea cyanocrocus
var. violaceus
EX05_011 Tropaeolum tricolor

EX05_012 Tulipa greigii

EX05_013 Tulipa humilis
EX05_014 Tulipa turkestanica
EX05_015 Tulipa wilsoniana

from Martin Bohnet (all seeds)
EX05_016 Alstroemeria ligtu

EX05_017 Cyanella hyacinthoides

EX05_018 Cypella herbertii
Flower Colors: orange, yellow
Flower Season: mid summer to late summer

EX05_019 Ipomoea pubescens
Height: 150-250 cm (4.9-8.2 ft)
Flower Colors: purple
Special: climber
Life form:  tuber

EX05_020 Merwilla plumbea

EX05_021 Moraea ochroleuca
EX05_022 Muscari comosum
syn Leopoldia comosa

EX05_023 Scilla peruviana
pale blue

from Jan Jeddeloh (Grown by  Jim Barton ) (all seeds)
EX05_024 Brodiaea californica

EX05_025 Brodiaea kinkiensis

EX05_026 Calochortus superbus

EX05_027 Calochortus venustus

EX05_028 Dichelostemma capitatum

EX05_029 Dichelostemma congestum

EX05_030 Dichelostemma ida-maia

EX05_031 Dichelostemma multiflorum

EX05_032 Dichelostemma volubile

from Sabine Kämpfe (all bulbs)
EX05_033 Allium sativum

EX05_034 Hippeastrum ,,Mocca"
EX05_035 Tulipa aucheriana
syn T. humilis var. aucheriana
EX05_036 Tulipa kaufmanniana
,early harvest'

from Angelika Neitzert (all bulbs)
EX05_037 Ferraria crispa
Flower Colors: white, green, yellow, brown, patterned
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate

EX05_038 Gladiolus splendens
Flower Colors: red
Climate: winter rain climate

EX05_039 Gladiolus tristis
Height: 45-80 cm (1.5-2.6 ft)
Flower Colors: white, yellow
Flower Season: early spring to mid spring
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate, USDA Zone 8-9
purple stripes
EX05_040 Lachenalia ,,Namaqua"
EX05_041 Lachenalia pauciflora syn Polyxena
EX05_042 Lachenalia pusilla

EX05_043 Lachenalia ,,Rosabeth"
EX05_044 Massonia pustulata
green leaf
EX05_045 Massonia pustulata
spotted leaf
EX05_046 Oxalis adenophylla

EX05_047 Oxalis ,,Gothenburg" pink
EX05_048 Oxalis palmifrons

EX05_049 Romulea engleri

EX05_050 Sparaxis elegans

from Cathy Osselton (all seed)
EX05_051 Paradisea lusitanica

EX05_052 Tulipa carinata 'Holland' OP
EX05_053 Tulipa clusiana
'Cynthia' OP
EX05_054 Tulipa tarda
dasystemon OP
EX05_055 Tulipa tarda
EX05_056 Tulipa tschimganica 'Spanish Flag' OP
EX05_057 Tulipa tschimganica yellow/red OP

from Thorben Schneider (seed)
EX05_058 Albuca shawii
Flower Colors: yellow

EX05_059 Tropaeolum hookerianum

from Uli Urban:
EX05_060 Arum apulum

EX05_061 Arum creticum

EX05_062 Arum hygrophilum

EX05_063 Babiana ambigua

EX05_064 Babiana angustifolia

EX05_065 Babiana melanops

EX05_066 Babiana nana

EX05_067 Biarum marmarisense, ex Wallis
EX05_068 Biarum marmarisense, white ex Wallis
EX05_069 Brunsvigia josephinae X littoralis, 2year old seedlings, ex Bert Zaalberg
EX05_070 Dichelostemma ida-maia
, ex PBS
EX05_071 Freesia alba

EX05_072 Gladiolus alatus
Flower Colors: orange, white, yellow
Life form:  corm
Climate: winter rain climate
, Bulbili, ex Silverhill, unflowered
EX05_073 Gladiolus orchidiflorus
Flower Colors: white, yellow, purple, green, patterned
Climate: winter rain climate
, Bulbili, ex Silverhill
EX05_074 Gladiolus splendens
Flower Colors: red
Climate: winter rain climate

EX05_075 Gladiolus venustus
Flower Colors: pink, purple, yellow
Climate: winter rain climate
,  Bulbili, ex Silverhill
EX05_076 Gladiolus virescens
Flower Colors: yellow, pink
Flower Season: early spring
, unflowerd seedlings, ex McMaster
EX05_077 Hyacinthoides/Scilla lingulata

EX05_078 Ipheion 'Summer Skies'
EX05_079 Iris filifolia
, deep blue, ex Oron Peri
EX05_080 Iris xiphium
Cerro Sao Miguel, good blue
EX05_081 Iris xiphium
, local form, mid blue
EX05_082 Ixia paniculata

EX05_083 Lachenalia aloides
, yellow
EX05_084 Lachenalia 'Aqua Lady'
EX05_085 Lachenalia bulbifera
, red, bulbili
EX05_086 Lachenalia mathewsii

EX05_087 Lachenalia orchioides
glaucina, unflowered seedlings
EX05_088 Lachenalia pallida

EX05_089 Lachenalia pauciflora syn.Polyxena, ex Silverhill
EX05_090 Lachenalia 'Romaud'
EX05_091 Lachenalia 'Rupert'
EX05_092 Lachenalia suaveolens
, unflowered seedlings
EX05_093 Lachenalia viridiflora
, ex Oron Peri, the best form
EX05_094 Lilium hybrid, yellow, unflowered, Bulbili, ex Smithers
EX05_095 Narcissus X perezlerae
EX05_096 Narcissus romieuxii
EX05_097 Nothoscordum felipponei
/ostenii/sellowianum, yellow
EX05_098 Ornithogalum fimbrimarginatum

EX05_099 Oxalis bifurcata
EX05_100 Oxalis cripiflora
EX05_101 Oxalis flava
EX05_102 Oxalis glabra
, invasive
EX05_103 Oxalis goniorhiza

EX05_104 Oxalis gracilis

EX05_105 Oxalis hirta
bright pink
EX05_106 Oxalis hirta
light purple
EX05_107 Oxalis kasvogdensis
EX05_108 Oxalis 'Ken Aslett' floriferous form
EX05_109 Oxalis luteola
MV 5567
EX05_110 Oxalis namaquana
, U54, invasive
EX05_111 Oxalis obtusa
, large Namaqualand form, deep pink.
EX05_112 Oxalis palmifrons

EX05_113 Oxalis pardalis
, forms huge sticky clumps
EX05_114 Oxalis perdicaria
, deep yellow, fragrant
EX05_115 Oxalis perdicaria
var malacoides/malobolbos, light yellow
EX05_116 Oxalis polyphylla
var. heptaphylla pale pink
EX05_117 Oxalis purpurea
EX05_118 Oxalis purpurea
'Lavender and White'
EX05_119 Oxalis purpurea
'Pink Giant'
EX05_120 Oxalis semiloba
, very short dormancy
EX05_121 Oxalis simplex, very dwarf but invasive
EX05_122 Oxalis spec. unnamed pale orange, autum on stem
EX05_123 Oxalis spec, flava group? Large deep yellow silky flowers
EX05_124 Oxalis tomentosa
, attractive foliage
EX05_125 Scilla cilicica

EX05_126 Triteleia 'Foxy'
EX05_127 Tritonia deusta
, orange and black, ex Silverhill

EX05_128 Albuca albucoides

EX05_129 Albuca fragrans
EX05_130 Albuca spiralis
EX05_131 Arum cyrenaicum

EX05_132 Arum purpureospathum

EX05_133 Asparagus spec. South Africa, ex John Lavranos
EX05_134 Babiana odorata
EX05_135 Dichelostemma ida-maia

EX05_136 Dietes grandiflora

EX05_137 Ferraria divaricata
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: yellow, green
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate
var areneosa
EX05_138 Freesia caryophyllacea
, Mc Master
EX05_139 Gladiolus aureus
Flower Colors: yellow
Climate: winter rain climate
, Silverhill
EX05_140 Gladiolus carinatus
Flower Colors: yellow, purple, blue
Climate: winter rain climate

EX05_141 Gladiolus priorii
Flower Colors: red
Life form:  corm
Climate: winter rain climate

EX05_142 Gladiolus scullyi
Flower Colors: yellow, purple
Climate: winter rain climate

EX05_143 Herbertia pulchella

EX05_144 Hesperantha bachmannii

EX05_145 Hesperantha cucullata

EX05_146 Hippeastrum evansiae

EX05_147 Hippeastrum X Johnsonii
EX05_148 Hippeastrum papilio

EX05_149 Iris lutescens
, dwarf, large purple flower, France
EX05_150 Iris planifolia
, Algarve
EX05_151 Iris reichenbachii

EX05_152 Iris xiphium
var lusitanica, yellow, open pollinated
EX05_153 Ixia viridiflora

EX05_154 Lachenalia bulbifera

EX05_155 Lachenalia multifolia
/Polyxena , Silverhill
EX05_156 Lachenalia namaquensis

EX05_157 Lachenalia quadricolor
McMaster, the best form
EX05_158 LachenaliaHybr. 'Ronina' open pollinated
EX05_159 Lachenalia salteri

EX05_160 Manfreda maculosa
EX05_161 Musari muscarimi
EX05_162 Narcissus bulbocodium
, early form
EX05_163 Narcissus bulbocodium
, large flowers
EX05_164 Narcissus cantabricus

EX05_165 Neomarica blue/beige flowers
EX05_166 Ornithogalum ceresianum

EX05_167 Ornithogalum dubium
, bright orange, Silverhill
EX05_168 Orthosanthus chimboracensis
EX05_169 Ranunculus asiaticus
, red Oron Peri
EX05_170 Romulea clusiana
, Gibraltar form, Oron Peri
EX05_171 Scilla peruviana
, dark blue
EX05_172 Scilla hyacinthina, tall form
EX05_173 Sparaxis elegans

EX05_174 Sparaxis tricolor
, Silverhill
EX05_175 Triteleia peduncularis
EX05_176 Triteleia ixioides
EX05_177 Tropaeolum azureum
, Chileflora
EX05_178 Tropaeolum hookerianum

from Marian Vanneste (all bulbs)
EX05_179 Amaryllis belladonna
Big ones, 6$
EX05_180 Chasmanthe aethiopica

EX05_181 Ferraria crispa
Flower Colors: white, green, yellow, brown, patterned
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate

from Jan-Willem Vos /Chateau Perouse: Seeds, on demand order, may take a few days longer
EX05_182 Albuca aurea
Flower Colors: yellow, green

EX05_183 Albuca setosa
Flower Colors: white, green, brown, yellow
Life form:  bulb

EX05_184 Albuca spiralis

EX05_185 Allium acutiflorum
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: pink
Flower Season: late spring to early summer

EX05_186 Allium carinatum
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: white, pink, purple
Flower Season: early summer
Life form: deciduous bulb
ssp pulchellum
EX05_187 Allium eriocoleum
EX05_188 Allium haematochiton

EX05_189 Allium schoenoprasum

EX05_190 Allium tauricola

EX05_191 Allium tuberosum
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: white
Flower Season: mid summer to late summer
Special: edible leaves

EX05_192 Anthericum liliago
ex Plaine des Maures
EX05_193 Anthericum liliago
ex Lepage
EX05_194 Aristea ecklonii

EX05_195 Asphodelus aestivus

EX05_196 Asphodelus fistulosus

EX05_197 Babiana angustifolia

EX05_198 Babiana cuneata

EX05_199 Babiana dregei

EX05_200 Babiana ecklonii

EX05_201 Babiana fourcadei
EX05_202 Babiana fragrans

EX05_203 Babiana framesii

EX05_204 Babiana inclinata

EX05_205 Babiana karooica

EX05_206 Babiana leipoldtii

EX05_207 Babiana lineolata
ex Silverhill Cedarberg
EX05_208 Babiana lineolata
ex Silverhill Porterville
EX05_209 Babiana melanops

EX05_210 Babiana mucronata
ssp minor
EX05_211 Babiana mucronata
ssp mucronata
EX05_212 Babiana nervosa

EX05_213 Babiana noctiflora

EX05_214 Babiana praemorsa

EX05_215 Babiana pygmaea

EX05_216 Babiana rubrocyanea

EX05_217 Babiana sambucina

EX05_218 Babiana scariosa

EX05_219 Babiana sinuata

EX05_220 Babiana spathacea

EX05_221 Babiana tubiflora

EX05_222 Babiana tubulosa

EX05_223 Babiana vanzijliae

EX05_224 Babiana villosula
ex Silverhill Brackenfell
EX05_225 Babiana villosula
ex Silverhill Stellenbosch
EX05_226 Bellevalia cyanopoda
Height: 0-20 cm (0-7.9 inch)
Flower Colors: blue, pink, white
Flower Season: mid spring
Life form: deciduous bulb

EX05_227 Bellevalia dubia

EX05_228 Bellevalia longistyla

EX05_229 Bellevalia romana

EX05_230 Beschorneria septentrionalis
EX05_231 Brimeura amethystina

EX05_232 Brodiaea californica

EX05_233 Brodiaea elegans

EX05_234 Chasmanthe bicolor

EX05_235 Chlorophytum bowkeri

EX05_236 Colchicum szovitsii

EX05_237 Corydalis caseana
EX05_238 Crocus robertianus

EX05_239 Cyclamen cilicium

EX05_240 Cyclamen coum

EX05_241 Cyclamen graecum

EX05_242 Cyclamen hederifolium

EX05_243 Cyclamen hederifolium
ssp africanum
EX05_244 Cyclamen libanoticum
ex Bulb Argence
EX05_245 Cyclamen libanoticum
ex Hoog
EX05_246 Cyclamen pseudibericum

EX05_247 Dipcadi serotinum
var fulvum
EX05_248 Dracunculus vulgaris
EX05_249 Fessia greilhuberi

EX05_250 Freesia caryophyllacea

EX05_251 Freesia fucata

EX05_252 Freesia laxa

EX05_253 Freesia leichtlinii

EX05_254 Freesia leichtlinii
ssp alba ex Bulb Argence
EX05_255 Freesia leichtlinii
ssp alba ex Silverhill
EX05_256 Freesia viridis

EX05_257 Fritillaria kurdica

EX05_258 Fritillaria persica

EX05_259 Geissorhiza corrugata

EX05_260 Gladiolus abbreviatus
Flower Colors: red
Climate: winter rain climate

EX05_261 Gladiolus arcuatus
Flower Colors: pink, purple
Climate: winter rain climate

EX05_262 Gladiolus carinatus
Flower Colors: yellow, purple, blue
Climate: winter rain climate

EX05_263 Gladiolus communis
Height: 45-60 cm (1.5-2 ft)
Flower Colors: purple

EX05_264 Gladiolus cunonius
Height: 20-60 cm (0.7-2 ft)
Flower Colors: red
Climate: winter rain climate

EX05_265 Gladiolus floribundus
Flower Colors: white, pink
Climate: winter rain climate

EX05_266 Gladiolus illyricus
Flower Colors: purple

EX05_267 Gladiolus italicus
Flower Colors: purple, white

EX05_268 Gladiolus longicollis
Flower Colors: white, yellow
Life form:  corm
Climate: summer rain climate

EX05_269 Gladiolus miniatus
Flower Colors: pink, orange
Climate: winter rain climate

EX05_270 Gladiolus splendens
Flower Colors: red
Climate: winter rain climate
ex Silverhill Roggeveld
EX05_271 Gladiolus splendens
Flower Colors: red
Climate: winter rain climate
ex Siradeau
EX05_272 Gladiolus tristis
Height: 45-80 cm (1.5-2.6 ft)
Flower Colors: white, yellow
Flower Season: early spring to mid spring
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate, USDA Zone 8-9

EX05_273 Gladiolus undulatus
Flower Colors: white, pink
Climate: winter rain climate

EX05_274 Gladiolus venustus
Flower Colors: pink, purple, yellow
Climate: winter rain climate

EX05_275 Habranthus brachyandrus

EX05_276 Hesperantha bachmannii
ex Libertos
EX05_277 Hesperantha bachmannii
ex Siradeau
EX05_278 Hyacinthoides hispanica

EX05_279 Hyacinthoides non-scripta

EX05_280 Hyacinthoides reverchonii

EX05_281 Iris spuria

EX05_282 Ixia contorta

EX05_283 Ixia ramulosa

EX05_284 Ixia thomasiae

EX05_285 Ixia trifolia

EX05_286 Lachenalia algoensis

EX05_287 Lachenalia arbuthnotiae
ex Libertos
EX05_288 Lachenalia arbuthnotiae
ex Siradeau
EX05_289 Lachenalia attenuata

EX05_290 Lachenalia bachmannii

EX05_291 Lachenalia calcicola
EX05_292 Lachenalia carnosa

EX05_293 Lachenalia comptonii

EX05_294 Lachenalia congesta

EX05_295 Lachenalia contaminata
ex Indigenous Bulb Assoc. S.A.
EX05_296 Lachenalia contaminata
ex Telos
EX05_297 Lachenalia ensifolia

EX05_298 Lachenalia flava

EX05_299 Lachenalia haarlemensis

EX05_300 Lachenalia judithiae
EX05_301 Lachenalia kliprandensis

EX05_302 Lachenalia liliiflora
EX05_303 Lachenalia marginata
ssp neglecta
EX05_304 Lachenalia mathewsii

EX05_305 Lachenalia multifolia

EX05_306 Lachenalia orthopetala

EX05_307 Lachenalia pallida

EX05_308 Lachenalia pygmaea

EX05_309 Lachenalia reflexa

EX05_310 Lachenalia rosea

EX05_311 Lachenalia salteri

EX05_312 Lachenalia schlechteri
EX05_313 Lachenalia splendida

EX05_314 Lachenalia stayneri
EX05_315 Lachenalia summerfieldii

EX05_316 Lachenalia thomasiae

EX05_317 Lachenalia trichophylla

EX05_318 Lachenalia unifolia
ex Libertos
EX05_319 Lachenalia unifolia
ex Silverhill
EX05_320 Lachenalia ventricosa

EX05_321 Lachenalia whitehillensis

EX05_322 Lachenalia zeyheri

EX05_323 Lapeirousia divaricata

EX05_324 Lapeirousia montana

EX05_325 Laxmannia gracilis
EX05_326 Laxmannia squarrosa
EX05_327 Leopoldia caucasica
EX05_328 Leopoldia cycladica ssp subsessilis
EX05_329 Leopoldia spreitzenhoferi
EX05_330 Leopoldia weissii
EX05_331 Massonia hirsuta

EX05_332 Massonia pygmaea

EX05_333 Massonia sempervirens

EX05_334 Moraea bipartita

EX05_335 Moraea britteniae

EX05_336 Moraea collina

EX05_337 Moraea comptonii

EX05_338 Moraea flaccida

EX05_339 Moraea longifolia

EX05_340 Moraea miniata

EX05_341 Moraea pendula

EX05_342 Moraea polystachya

EX05_343 Moraea setifolia

EX05_344 Moraea sisyrinchium

EX05_345 Moraea vegeta

EX05_346 Muscari macrocarpum

EX05_347 Narcissus bulbocodium
ssp obesus
EX05_348 Narcissus dubius

EX05_349 Narcissus flavus
EX05_350 Ornithogalum dictaeum
EX05_351 Ornithogalum montanum

EX05_352 Patersonia lanata
EX05_353 Pauridia flaccida

EX05_354 Pauridia serrata

EX05_355 Phalocallis coelestis
EX05_356 Pseudomuscari chalusicum

EX05_357 Pseudomuscari inconstrictum

EX05_358 Romulea albiflora

EX05_359 Romulea bulbocodium
var crocea ex Hoog
EX05_360 Romulea bulbocodium
var crocea ex Njissen
EX05_361 Romulea clusiana

EX05_362 Romulea cruciata
var intermedia
EX05_363 Romulea diversiformis

EX05_364 Romulea engleri

EX05_365 Romulea eximia

EX05_366 Romulea flava

EX05_367 Romulea gigantea

EX05_368 Romulea leipoldtii

EX05_369 Romulea longipes

EX05_370 Romulea multisulcata

EX05_371 Romulea pratensis

EX05_372 Romulea rosea
var australis
EX05_373 Romulea rosea
var rosea ex Silverhill
EX05_374 Romulea rosea
var rosea ex Libertos
EX05_375 Romulea tabularis

EX05_376 Romulea tetragona

EX05_377 Romulea tetragona
var flavandra
EX05_378 Sisyrinchium californicum

EX05_379 Sisyrinchium striatum

EX05_380 Sisyrinchium tinctorium
EX05_381 Sparaxis bulbifera

EX05_382 Sparaxis elegans

EX05_383 Sparaxis fragrans
ex Silverhill
EX05_384 Sparaxis fragrans
ex Libertos
EX05_385 Sparaxis grandiflora
ssp acutiloba
EX05_386 Sparaxis grandiflora
ssp violacea
EX05_387 Sparaxis parviflora

EX05_388 Sparaxis pillansii

EX05_389 Tritonia deusta

EX05_390 Tulbaghia violacea

EX05_391 Tulipa sprengeri

EX05_392 Tulipa tschimganica
EX05_393 Wachendorfia thyrsiflora

from Wylie Young
EX05_394 Fessia greilhuberi

EX05_395 Oxalis debilis var corymbosa
EX05_396 Rhodophiala bifida
Big ones, 6$

EX05_397 Herbertia lahue

EX05_398 Ixia maculata

EX05_399 Lapeirousia divaricata
white and pink stripes

Big thanks to all the contributors!

Seed from older exchanges:

from EX04
EX04_002 Drimia uniflora
DMC 13646 W. of Ladismith
EX04_006 Zephyranthes grandiflora

EX04_011 Arisaema consanguineum

EX04_012 Asclepias tuberosa
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: orange, yellow
Flower Season: early summer to mid summer
Life form:  tuber
Climate: USDA Zone 6-8

EX04_014 Bomarea edulis

EX04_016 Tigridia pavonia
Height: 45-80 cm (1.5-2.6 ft)
Flower Colors: white, red, yellow, pink, orange, patterned
Special: edible storage organ
Life form: deciduous bulb
Climate: USDA Zone 8-9
orange seed parent
EX04_018 Agapanthus inapertus pendulus
EX04_019 Albuca humilis

EX04_020 Allium cyaneum
Flower Colors: blue
, originally received as A. beesianum
EX04_022 Dietes iridioides

EX04_023 Dipcadi serotinum

EX04_024 Eucomis autumnalis

EX04_025 Freesia laxa
, salmon with red dots
EX04_026 Lophospermum erubescens 'Alba'
EX04_027 Maurandya wislizeni 'Red Dragon'
EX04_028 Ornithogalum candicans
(Syn. Galtonia c.)
EX04_029 Atropa belladonna
EX04_030 Ceratotheca triloba
EX04_031 Dioscorea communis
EX04_032 Ennealophus fimbriatus

EX04_036 Ipomoea purpurea
EX04_040 Leonurus cardica
EX04_041 Solanum nigrum
EX04_043 Staphylea trifolia
EX04_045 Tulbaghia violacea
var macmasterii
EX04_068 Albuca pulchra

EX04_070 Arisaema consanguineum

EX04_071 Phalocallis coelestis syn. Cypella gigantea
EX04_072 Dahlia excelsa, ID not 100% definite
EX04_073 Dahlia rosea, white
EX04_074 Datura wrightii
EX04_075 Lilium 'White Triumphator'
EX04_077 Tradescantia boliviana
EX04_078 Zantedeschia albomaculata
Flower Colors: white
Special: attractive foliage
Life form:  tuber

EX04_079 Zantedeschia jucunda
Flower Colors: yellow
Special: attractive foliage
Life form:  tuber

EX04_083 Arthropodium cirratum

EX04_085 Chlorophytum bowkeri

EX04_086 Habranthus brachyandrus

EX04_087 Laxmannia gracilis
EX04_088 Laxmannia squarrosa
EX04_089 Lomandra leucocephala ssp robusta
EX04_090 Lomandra spicata
EX04_094 Phalocallis coelestis
EX04_100 Bulbine wiesei
EX04_101 Massonia pustulata
(De Hoop) x self
EX04_111 Hippeastrum evansiae

from EX03
EX03_001 Allium cernuum
Flower Colors: pink, white
Flower Season: early summer to mid summer

EX03_002 Allium flavum

EX03_004 Camassia leichtlinii
EX03_007 Hemerocallis hybrid, diploid, 1st/2nd gen from ,,Frans Hals"
EX03_008 Hesperantha cuculata
EX03_022 Albuca aurea
Flower Colors: yellow, green

EX03_023 Albuca setosa
Flower Colors: white, green, brown, yellow
Life form:  bulb

EX03_025 Habranthus graciliflora
EX03_026 Habranthus robustus

EX03_030 Romulea rosea
var australis
EX03_046 Alium giganteum
EX03_048 Sisyrinchium montanum
EX03_057 Pelargonium gibbosum
EX03_085 Albuca albucoides

EX03_088 Albuca c.f flaccida
EX03_091 Anemone palmata
Flower Colors: yellow, orange
Life form:  rhizome

EX03_092 Freesia alba

EX03_093 Freesia caryophyllacea

EX03_095 Gladiolus italicus
Flower Colors: purple, white

EX03_099 Hesperantha bachmannii

EX03_101 Hyacinthoides flacoultiana
EX03_102 Ipheion 'Alberto Castillo'
EX03_103 Iris xiphium
blue, ex cultivated plants
EX03_104 Iris xiphium
var lusitanica, bright yellow, ex cultivated plants
EX03_108 Lachenalia mediana

EX03_109 Lachenalia mutabilis

EX03_111 Lachenalia pauciflora
EX03_112 Lachenalia quadricolor

EX03_114 Lachenalia ventricusa
EX03_115 Moraea ochroleuca

EX03_116 Moraea polystachya

EX03_117 Moraea sisyrinchium

EX03_118 Narcissus bulbocodium

EX03_120 Ornithogalum dubium

EX03_121 Scilla cilicica

EX03_126 Triteleia ixioides
EX03_286 Iris mesopotamica

EX03_288 Iris versicolor
EX03_289 Pancratium maritinum
EX03_290 Cardiocrinum giganteum

EX03_291 Codonopsis pilosula

EX03_295 Lilium sargentieae
EX03_296 Agapanthus cultivar blue & white 45cm decidous
EX03_297 Agapanthus cultivar 45cm decidous
EX03_298 Agapanthus ex Kirstenbosch blue 90 cm decidous
EX03_299 Allium sikkimense
Flower Colors: blue

EX03_300 Arum creticum

EX03_302 Bellevalia paradoxa
EX03_303 Dierama mixed hybrids
EX03_304 Freesia laxa

EX03_305 Freesia laxa
red form
EX03_306 Iris foetedissima
EX03_308 Libertia spec.
EX03_309 Muscari armenaicum type A
EX03_310 Muscari armenaicum type B
EX03_311 Muscari aucheri

EX03_312 Muscari aucheri
ex ocean magic
EX03_313 Muscari latifolium

EX03_314 Muscari racemosa
EX03_315 Romulea bulbocodium

EX03_317 Watsonia sp red ex Kirstenbosch (evergreen)
EX03_324 Lilum pumilum
EX03_325 Allium oporinanthum
EX03_327 Ethesia xanthochlora(Syn Ornithogalum)
EX03_330 Narcissus confusus
EX03_331 Pelargonium mollicomum
EX03_332 Pelargonium spec. small leaves, winter grower
EX03_345 Acis autumnalis
Height: 10-20 cm (3.9-7.9 inch)
Flower Colors: white, pink
Flower Season: early autumn
Life form:  bulb

EX03_347 Drimia maritima
common form

Have fun with this very excessive list!
Martin (pronouns: he/his/him)

Jan Jeddeloh

A note regarding the seeds listed as grown by me, Jan Jeddeloh.  They were actually grown by Jim Barton who keeps the US seed exchange well supplied with seeds of these California natives. He is very generous with his seed. 


Another note for those ordering Oxalis and Gladiolus bulbils.

Dear All,

For those of you who have ordered Oxalis bulbs or Gladilus bulbili from the current EU BX, I would like to give some instructions how to start them

Oxalis: It seems to be inevitable to have shipped Oxalis bulbs sprouting. So far they have always been faster than me although I try hard to repot them earlier every year. I still find a lot of them starting to sprout in completely dry substrate. If you receive sprouted bulbs, do not worry. The only negative aspect could be that some of the autumn flowering species will not flower well this season but otherwise they will produce healthy leaves and new bulbs. Even if the shoot tips might be damaged. Place the pale shoots horizontally on the substrate and cover with about 3cm of substrate. Do not attempt to plant them upright and do not expose the pale shoots to sunlight, this will burn them. The horizontally placed shoots will sprout within days and produce normal plants. Water once after planting, give maximum light and then wait until growth is visible before you water again. Oxalis benefits from fertilizing.

Gladiolus: Some Gladiolus are offered as tiny bulbils. It is amazing how many some species produce, it can be considered as a survival strategy. If the large mother bulb would get eaten, the predator would for sure miss at least some of the tiny bulbils. But sometimes they are deeply dormant and may not sprout after planting which is also part of the survival strategy. It is therefore advisable to give these bulbils an overnight soak in lukewarm water with a drop of dishwasher liquid. This helps the water penetrate the hard shell in order to break dormancy. Plant immediately after this treatment, water once and after that keep only barely moist until growth shows.

Happy growing!

Algarve, Portugal
350m elevation, frost free
Mediterranean Climate

Martin Bohnet

Attention! Due to a mistake, the leftovers from older Exchanges were only added on Sunday morning (European time). adding another 115 Items to a record-breaking overall of 514 items - please revisit the list, I'll happily expand already given orders and of course will take new ones.

Due to this, we extend the ordering phase by 24 hours to Tuesday, 24:00, CET
Martin (pronouns: he/his/him)

Robin Hansen

Having been a long-time member of the Cyclamen Society and a specialist grower as well, I have to question the listing of Cyclamen hederifolium var/ssp africanum.  To my knowledge this is not an accepted name. It should be just C. africanum. For anyone who has grown this, yes, it does superficially resemble C. hederifolium but there are distinct differences and it does not grow where C. hederifolium does by any stretch of the imagination.

Can someone on the list justify this name change?

Robin Hansen
Hansen Nursery
(in business for more than 30 years, specializing in Cyclamen)
Robin Hansen
President, PBS


Dear Members living in the EU,
The EU Seed and Bulb Exchange EU BX_05 is now closed.
We do thank all the donors who made this impressive exchange possible. We also enjoy very much dealing with all of you, thank you for your friendly and constructive comments. Martin will now start the distribution which may take some days because the list is so vast.
There will be a (smaller) second round, so the donation remains open until further notice. This and the opening of the second round will be announced through the same channels

If there are any questions: Do not hesitate to contact Uli at johannes-ulrich-urban@t-online.de
Happy growing!
Martin and Uli
Algarve, Portugal
350m elevation, frost free
Mediterranean Climate

Martin Bohnet

Just a little update: this was a big one, so unfortunately I'm not yet done packing - about 2/3 of the packages are on their way, focusing on those which need to be planted fast.
Martin (pronouns: he/his/him)

Martin Bohnet

So, packages are out, and we also have the first additions to second distribution, but there's room for more so: donation is still open, just send your contributions to

Martin bohnet
Ludwigstr. 1
73035 Göppingen
Martin (pronouns: he/his/him)